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Used to be fearful of people being uncomfortable when in my company


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
But, I realised not long ago, that it is not about others, it is about me not feeling comfortable around certain charactors.

It has actually helped me somewhat having that realisation, because now, I can remove myself from a situation that makes me uncomfortable and feel ok about it.
I feel uncomfortable around this customer at work (male) that tried to potentially SA (sexually assault me) by hugging me without my consent.
I assume most people will be bored with my company, since I have few if any interests in common with most NTs. I tend to be quiet unless THEY bring up one of my interests, which rarely happens. That may or may not make them uncomfortable. I am more disappointed than fearful.
While I am aware that some people might feel a sense of discomfort in my presence, I am also well aware that their feelings are not my responsibility.

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