For anyone who's dealt with this... Have you found you have trouble doing assignments that are vague? My bf (also on the Spectrum) just got an assignment where he has to write a paper on a stance. Any stance. And he's having a hard time wrapping his head around it, because there's no real structure to it. I had the same problem in my English 1A class where we had to write a final paper, called the I-Search, but without any ideas on what we were supposed to write about. I asked my teacher for clarification, and she said to just write a paper. But I felt like I couldn't know what I was going to be graded on. I just needed a little structure to get me started, rather than this vague-sounding assignment. I failed the class, and had to retake it, but took it at a different college (same district, and only a different college because we'd moved) and while everything was pretty casual, it was very interactive and I didn't have to do the dreaded I-Search paper.