Hey, everyone! Do you watch any videos to brighten up your day, maybe you have an entire YouTube playlist? I have been watching Soviet Womble's Bullcrappery (actually uses a different word) series, and it is hilarious! What about you mind sharing any playlists of your own? What types of videos are in your playlists? Is it cute things, weird things, funny live-action videos, funny meme videos, on-crack versions of animes/other types of videos, funny gaming-related videos, or a mixture of 2 or more of the listed things? You can share links to what you watch, too! I also watch stuff like IamWildcat, VanossGaming, and more. They crack me up so easily! I also watch stuff by Sorrow TV and WildSpartanz (they do Reddit videos about... all the weird things you can find on Reddit, of course). I also watch somebody whose YT channel is called Birdman. He is more of a satire/commentary channel. Technically, all of the ones I mentioned contain high amounts of obvious satire, but, whatever. So, do you wanna share?