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VIP Membership

James Dunn

Well-Known Member
Please excuse me if it sounds rude or improper.
I had the VIP membership Taken out of my account on 31/12/2015 and for some reason it does not seem to have been processed to my profile. I keep getting teh upgrade notices.
I have emailed twice about this and nothing has happened and it has caused a meltdown fro me.
Could someone tell me the process to rectify it, I have all the details from my bank to validdate it


I have gotten the upgrade notice.
It was a 'special offer' deal.
I am already a VIP member, but not a LIFETIME VIP Member.

The special offer was about discount for Lifetime VIP Membership.

Are you a Lifetime VIP Member?
Or did you pay for one year?

Does your name light up in blue, now that you are a VIP Member?

Note: I am not moderator/admin/or any sort of employee of this
forum. Just asking, to clarify, for myself, what it is you are saying.

And possibly generate some interest in your question,
so that you can get an answer. :)

Your question doesn't sound rude to me.
Hello tre

Yes it did light up the same as yours and when the money was taken out via paypal I thought nothing of it and it was done.
It still is not renewed yet the money has gone out the account.
It is just strange.
Hello tre

Yes it did light up the same as yours and when the money was taken out via paypal I thought nothing of it and it was done.
It still is not renewed yet the money has gone out the account.
It is just strange.

How can you tell the membership has not been renewed?

Maybe you can get Brent 's attention [post on his profile?]
and figure out what the situation is.
What is the point of being VIP if I am not allowed to post photos? How many places to I have to post a complaint about being ignored and unable to post small or any size photos?
What is the point of being VIP if I am not allowed to post photos? How many places to I have to post a complaint about being ignored and unable to post small or any size photos?

There are several people wondering that same sort of
thing this week, I have noticed.
I have been trying since December or earlier, to find out why I simply cannot upload photos anymore. I can't welcome new members. I can't share my art. I can't post photos of photos even. 1.7mb pics get error messages of too large or what ever. The best I get is a thumbnail after an HOUR of loading, and for that I have to cancel the post.

As a paying member I feel this is terrible customer service. I am embarrassed that a site I had so much love for simply ignores me now.
If there was something I did to warrant the removal of my posting ability I would like to know.

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