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Visual Motor Perception

Yeah, I'm really bad a catching or hitting balls - team sports are out of the question, way too complicated - I never been good at any kinds of sports, I was like two before I could even walk. I did like swimming, and riding my bike when I was younger, but just by my self, not in any competitive way, these days I just like to go for walks in nature.
My lack of hand/eye coordination and general clumsiness as a kid were the basis for my ridicule and bullying in school.
I have not improved with time, and I'm 65, so probably won't
Yeah, I hated sports and PE, at school, for the most part, not super good at competitive things either. Never been super good at most physical things, I'm more of an artsy type. I was pretty bad at walking, even, as a child, used to stub my toes a lot. I don't mind trying to catch and things, but, I'm never going to be gifted at any kinds of sports.
Yeah, I hated sports and PE, at school, for the most part, not super good at competitive things either. Never been super good at most physical things, I'm more of an artsy type. I was pretty bad at walking, even, as a child, used to stub my toes a lot. I don't mind trying to catch and things, but, I'm never going to be gifted at any kinds of sports.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I never understood standing on a tall mountain because I’m so clumsy I would trip and fall to my death. How do people trust their feet so easily?
No one wanted me on their team in grade school for any type of sport.
I didn't like sports or PE anyway.

I had difficulty learning to swim and riding a bike without training wheels.
I learned to like bike riding later.

At age 40, a friend talked me into trying tennis.
I liked it, but everyone again said I was no good, and didn't want me to play.
One man even told me I would never be any good and refused to play on the days
I was there.
Still, I liked tennis anyway. Really the only sport I ever did.
Tennis Competition GIF

Why is tennis so noisy?
Because of all the rackets.
No one wanted me on their team in grade school for any type of sport.
I didn't like sports or PE anyway.

I had difficulty learning to swim and riding a bike without training wheels.
I learned to like bike riding later.

At age 40, a friend talked me into trying tennis.
I liked it, but everyone again said I was no good, and didn't want me to play.
One man even told me I would never be any good and refused to play on the days
I was there.
Still, I liked tennis anyway. Really the only sport I ever did.
Tennis Competition GIF

Why is tennis so noisy?
Because of all the rackets.
I liked table tennis and badminton.
As with most things, the only way to create good neuromotor patterns and coordination is through repetition. I have been involved with competitive athletics since I was 9 years old, stopped when I was about 42. Whether it was baseball, track and field, football, weightlifting, whatever, it was always about repetition and refining the techniques until perfection and the "muscle memory" is there to the point where it is just instinctual.

Now, I can definitely say I was never a "natural athlete". Looking back I can say now, without a doubt, I had some of the fine motor skill difficulties that many autistics have, but I didn't know I was autistic back then. I just put in the time and effort, overcame, and actually excelled beyond my peers. I went from not being able to hit a baseball at all to being able to have over a .500 batting average. I went from not being able to throw straight to pitching shut-out games. I went from not being able to catch a ball, literally smashed my nose, not once but twice, blood all over the place, to making all sorts of acrobatic catches in the infield. That was just baseball. I went through the same process with all my sports. Start out making a fool of myself, working hard, learning, then excelling.
I learned kick boxing & WMA in order to trash the clumbsies.

I am absolutely unable to coordinate with others, so team sports are an embarrassing no-no. Except bowling.
Does anyone else struggle with catching balls or playing sports? What sports are you good or bad at?
I struggle to catch them.
Sometimes I can, sometimes I cannot.
I am not hugely sporty
But I know all the tennis shots, I can kick a football and usually hit a cricket ball, play table tennis, play pool, idk what else
I can definitely do them.
I was a extremely slow runner but I could do high jump.
when i was a kid in school, the kids usually playing football 'soccer' would pick their teams i was always not picked, i was assigned last of all to teams, that made feel awful always.

that made feel nobody liked me, or maybe it was because i was too bad at the game.
I got yelled at a lot in PE and made fun of, especially in team sports when I was the reason we lost. I wanted to be a volleyball player so bad but I’m just not coordinated enough. I can’t even serve the ball over the net…not once. I think kids wanted to find a reason to pick on me too so they would make fun of my pale skin and call me names like ghost or transparent. Later in life I became prettier and now my pale skin is called beautiful names like porcelain or fair skinned. I used to have braces and glasses. I’m glad that part of my life is over.

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