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Visual Noise


Well-Known Member
My work has decided to decorate the break room for Valentine's Day. For some reason, this means streamers hanging down from the ceiling, some of which have hearts at the end. They're not brightly colored or reflective or anything, but there are so many that I can barely stand to look at it.
I have a friend who's deaf, and therefore very visually oriented, so something like this would bother him too.

Anyone else have to deal with this? It's not the streamers themselves, it's just that there are so many that it's a little overwhelming.
I get it, it can be way too much. Like the other holidays like Easter & christmas. Not just in an office environment, but shops as well.

Luckily, valentines day is not being celebrated at my work, visually wise.
It's sensory overload.
My work has decided to decorate the break room for Valentine's Day. For some reason, this means streamers hanging down from the ceiling, some of which have hearts at the end. They're not brightly colored or reflective or anything, but there are so many that I can barely stand to look at it.
I have a friend who's deaf, and therefore very visually oriented, so something like this would bother him too.

Anyone else have to deal with this? It's not the streamers themselves, it's just that there are so many that it's a little overwhelming.
Similar with music in stores \supermarkets in nov\dec every year the UK doesn't decorate as much for the 14th of February, its a day I want to end before it starts,mam (mum,mom)died that day 22 years later still triggers me!
I think this is a pretty common thing. You may look at it from the perspective of how one keeps their house and decorates,...some people like clean lines and a minimalist decor,...and others,...crap and clutter everywhere. Art,...same thing,...look at what people have in their home,...is it abstract art (that's me),...is it simple, like a close up of a face or an object,...or is it a "busy" composite. My wife and I are more minimalist in our tastes. We decorated the house for the Christmas holiday season when our children where still living here,...but now that they're grown and on their own, we generally don't decorate anymore.
Many years ago one of my dear friends liked to decorate his walls with pictures until no wall could be seen. When in his house I would have to focus on a window or the largest picture I could see to drown out the rest. I found his walls suffocating and nausea inducing.
I get that way sometimes if there are far too many patterns with colors that clash against each other. Sometimes one of those Where’s Waldo scenes in video games where you need to find certain objects visually overwhelm me and I feel confused. I begin to have trouble recognizing one item from another. There is also one Pokémon that I can’t stand to look at because of how it is colored and that Pokémon is Druddigon. The Shiny is even worse for me to look at. Someone told me it’s based on some lizard that also has a head colored differently from the rest of its body but that lizard doesn’t look as bad.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em I always say.

If you shop now, Etsy has some anatomically correct human heart ornaments. Hang a few of these babies on streamers above your workspace, and get into the romantic spirit of the season!


Anatomical Human Heart Ornament | Etsy


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