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walking strangely after sensory overload


so sometimes if ive had a sensory issue or somthing i start walking weird . it just feels better to walk on the balls of my feet after things like that but i dont know why. does anyone else do this
When I feel irritated I walk on the balls of my feet. I also use a tennis ball or koosh back and forth in my hands.
Sometimes I walk on the balls of my feet or on my toes, and I don’t realize I’m doing it until someone points it out.
It was pointed out to me that my step is backwards by a Physical therapist once.
He said try practicing putting your heel down first when you step.
I tried and it feels awkward. Guess I've always walked this way.
Watching others walk with a heel first strike when they step just doesn't seem right to me.
Oh, well. :confused:

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