This reminded me of attending Mother & Toddler groups when my own children were much younger.
(pre Aspie discovery)
In hindsight, I went to socialise my own progeny and observe other mothers. (how they do 'it')
Sometimes those groups could be tolerable,
Sometimes it was an arena of comparative genetics.
Not like a bunch of scientists would debate.
But some unsure, perhaps worried (?) mothers, turning Viper and advertising their own offspring as gold standard examples of genetic brilliance but having to snipe at other Mother's and their toddlers to make their point.
One woman rubbished anothers efforts at encouraging child to use pencils and crayons for mark-making and practicing writing own name.
This particular woman had her child using pasta to write name. Any shape of pasta.
Her sycophantic followers all nodding in agreement.
Another member of the group piped up,
"He'll have to boil spaghetti for about 4 minutes before he signs his mortgage application"
(I wish I'd been quick enough to think of that)
I think I'm saying,
We all had toddlers in common, (shared interest)
I was interested in watching theory come alive.
Children practising skills and watching how they interact at that age and stage in real life.
I wasn't going to see that sitting in the house with my children.
My interest had me seeking out groups where I could witness it all.
I didn't make any real connections but that was okay.
It wasn't my purpose for attending the group.
I was socialising without having to be sociable.