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Wanting to belong

Lili G

Traspie Girl
So, the main reason I joined this forum is that I don't really know anyone else with Asperger's, and for me it's hard to sort the things that are uncommon about me. I'm never sure if it's because I have Asperger's, or just because I'm weird!

I want to learn more about Asperger's and other forms of autism, so I can learn more about myself. Plus I just think making some aspie friends would help me feel more like I have a place in the world.

Does anyone else feel this way? What do you think about this idea? Please reply or DM <3
Hopefully in coming here, that you have "found your tribe". Welcome to AF.

In my own case I have found interacting with autistic people far more beneficial than merely reading rather dry medical information about them.
When you find other people you're comfortable being weird around - you know you're in good company.

When you have to mask, or stress out all the time by not fitting in or pretending to be someone you're not - then you're not in good company.

Welcome. It is not hard to understand wanting to belong. That is so basic, and when young my inability to understand social communication and lack of physical skills made me feel like an outsider. Many with ASD have the same needs and desires as our NT peers, but without the skills to realize them.
So, the main reason I joined this forum is that I don't really know anyone else with Asperger's, and for me it's hard to sort the things that are uncommon about me. I'm never sure if it's because I have Asperger's, or just because I'm weird!

I want to learn more about Asperger's and other forms of autism, so I can learn more about myself. Plus I just think making some aspie friends would help me feel more like I have a place in the world.

Does anyone else feel this way? What do you think about this idea? Please reply or DM <3
I joined this site seeking family in a way, and I've definitely found it.

We've got a lot of mutual support here, with a very diverse range of ages, places, school and work history etc.

The forum format is also nice in that you can read, post, comment, or like whenever you want.

In that sense, it's more accessible than an in-person or online meet-up, where some inevitable challenges and barriers (like being available at a specific time) arise.

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