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Was Watching The Film "Housekeeping" (1987) ...

Captain Caveman

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
and talking about why Lucielle was going off on her own pretending to be "Normal", and sort of relating it to my brother who kinda did the same at that age...

And my Mum said "That is teenagers. All teenagers do that" (When growing up)...

I said "I didn't do that".

And Mum said "That's because you are are still a teenager!"

Thinking about it, is this a good thing?

We were also talking about Aunt Silvie who I think was a cross between my Mum.and my Aunt (Mums sister), and how she was so practical about things... (I LOVED my Aunt! (Love my Mum too)).
Aunt Silvie seems familiar.
Though some of the happenings in the film are different, I find the film portrays a fair bit of the things I sort of went through... Not the same but sort of similar? How Ruthy was a bit of a loner in school as she had the occasional distant friend but otherwize was alone. (I used to find it hard to find anyone that I could connect with. If one of the other kids said "Lets do this.." they would all go with him to do it.
For me, even if it was really important I would ask others to come and no one would! They would go the other way to avoid coming!

I remember at about the age of eight or nine looking at a popular kid in my class, (And this was before I knew "Masking" had a name), and reasoning to myself to work out how he attracted so many friends... And I reasoned to myself (As I knew all about masking even though I didn't know what it was called) that somehow he was so much better at it (Masking) than I was! It hadn't occurred to me that he wasn't masking, which now makes it even more of a mystery!
How do people do it when I can't? (I mean... How can people attract other people? How does it work? How do they say the right things to make them feel like they want to be with that person? When I try it with a new group of people, it works at first for a while and then sort of collapses around me and I end up abandoned and betrayed! Masking does not work, BUT not masking is even worse as one sits or stands in a corner not saying a word and hides!
Not masking = hiding from life?

BUT not masking can be done when by myself enjoying myself! I have (When going through burnout) unmasked in front of one of the few friends I have (I am sure he is autistic) and he did not even notice! How didn't he notice? Other people would suddenly turn into bullies and attack me at that point! Yet he remained friendly! I am convinced he is autistic as he is definately NOT neuro typical even though he can talk to people. He has some major traits! :D
[I got to know him from one of our interests as both of us love the subject which is why we can have conversations.]
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