I took my daughter in law's mother for her first chemo treatment this past Thursday. With all the teaching, one thing stood out to me that I just can't get off my mind.
So this chemo drugs destroys cells - all growing cells, not just the bad ones. And it's handled as any bio-hazard. She was asked if she shares a bathroom, which she does. Then she was instructed to flush twice after every use so the next person would not be at risk of any residual splashing up on them. That's how bad this stuff is. Also these chemo drugs are carcinogens and bladder cancer is a high risk of anyone receiving chemo therapy.
Well, I know they are finding medication residuals in our water supply from discarded meds being flushed. Yes, the water is filtered and recycled and put back into our rivers and lakes, which eventually becomes our drinking water again. I know it's filtered, but they can not filter out 100% of the toxins we are putting in it. And some drugs, like chemo drugs, put cancer causing particles into the air if boiled. I would think that spring water would be the safest water to drink, but all in all, we are poisoning all the ground water with every kind of toxin.
I'm not saying chemo is not good, but they need to come up with a way to get the residual wastes to a bio-hazard dump, instead of into the water supply. (Don't know why I'm letting this bother me so much - I don't even drink water because it gives me heartburn.)
So this chemo drugs destroys cells - all growing cells, not just the bad ones. And it's handled as any bio-hazard. She was asked if she shares a bathroom, which she does. Then she was instructed to flush twice after every use so the next person would not be at risk of any residual splashing up on them. That's how bad this stuff is. Also these chemo drugs are carcinogens and bladder cancer is a high risk of anyone receiving chemo therapy.
Well, I know they are finding medication residuals in our water supply from discarded meds being flushed. Yes, the water is filtered and recycled and put back into our rivers and lakes, which eventually becomes our drinking water again. I know it's filtered, but they can not filter out 100% of the toxins we are putting in it. And some drugs, like chemo drugs, put cancer causing particles into the air if boiled. I would think that spring water would be the safest water to drink, but all in all, we are poisoning all the ground water with every kind of toxin.
I'm not saying chemo is not good, but they need to come up with a way to get the residual wastes to a bio-hazard dump, instead of into the water supply. (Don't know why I'm letting this bother me so much - I don't even drink water because it gives me heartburn.)