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"You Are a Blessing", a lady I photographed today, wearing a button she wanted to encourage people with...

Amber 01.jpg
In every social encounter , I have many possible reactions.

My thoughts, might be on a spectrum. Or like quantum particles. Random. Unpredictable.

It strikes me. Lookin at this thread. I have many possible responses:

  • Yeah I agree.

  • Yeah adorable...I wonder what she looks like underneath that...

  • That's cool.

  • This is a positive and uplifting message she is spreading.

  • I know right.

  • She kinda reminds me of my auntie, I don't like my auntie.

  • Yeah. We are all gods children.

  • So true.

  • Yeah, what he said. Meat puppets. Nice song.

Or I may just reply with random non sequitur. That is loosley related to what somebody has said.

But what if I am bad and ugly? :eek:

The good the bad and the ugly. Spaghetti western. Clint Eastwood , you know he ran for mayor of Carmel, California?

Yeah know, too me , this is the fun of interaction, Spontaneity. Creativity. Communicating... or alienating people. And throwing them off. Yeah, we are all awesome and beautiful.

You know those are are pretty words. But I'll tell you a story, yesterday , I see this incident. This man, and a woman shouting,arguing, He gets her in a headlock on floor, strangled her, more shouting, she can barely walk now, coughing, a near fight with another male, picking up bricks, threatening each other, another woman friend is between them, just chaos, then sobbing, then police arrive, then arrest. This is like 15 minutes big drama. This happened in my street. Also I hear a rumor that a woman was arrested for carrying a knife, a few days earlier. Very near where I live. A reminder to myself and all of you... It's crazy out there, And life is all wonderful and awesome and everything. Sure. But people are dysfunctional, even animalistic. But Happy Easter folks! You are all awesome and beautiful. :grinning: Sure. But let's not take flight from reality. No good can come of it. People have alot of problems. And the world is a messed up place. In our society. Now that's real.

I guess, Ghandi said it best..."be the change you wish to see in the world."
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