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Weird new "cure"

It seems they're making new 'cure claims' every week, near enough.
One minute its something to do with the brain, the next it's stomach gases, etc.

Not wanting to sound like a whinge-bag, but why can't we just be accepted for who we are instead of been told that because we're different, we're wrong?
I like how you think. ;)

Thank you. I just get sick of been told that because I think and act differently, Society (been the egotistical monster that it is) has the gall to say that I'm somehow inferior and should be made to be normal.

That whole impression gave me a story idea at one point.
Want to hear it?
Yes please. :)

(I love stories.)

(If I ever did this story, I would want it set up like a Japanese Manga/Anime style as many elements of this story would better fit that style).

My idea is that in the near future, a type of 'virtual reality' game has been created that helps people with Autism interact with Neurotypicals - as well as giving them a way to bring their creativity to life. However, a fake 'charity' for people with Autism (who simply want to eradicate autism at any cost) claims to be able to use the simulation to 'cure autism' - despite heavy criticism of the 'procedure'.
The 'cure is done by manifesting a person's autism as a physical entity (like an animal, for instance - which is why I did this article) and then 'cutting the link' between them (like in the Golden Compass when they try to separate Lyra from her daemon/soul - 0:38) using the simulation.
One teenager with Autism is forced by his parents to go through with this treatment, but undergoes severe side effects as a result of having a 'large part of himself torn away' - with the charity putting him through 'treatment to normalize him', which only makes matters even more hellish as they use Aversive/Electric Shock therapy on him.
In a final bid to regain his own version of normalcy, he returns with his friends (both autistic and neurotypical) along with those who have also been forced to have the 'cure' to try to re-bond with his Autism (which is been held in a digital form in the simulation's databanks); leading to a clash within the simulation with the leaders of the fake charity and the aversive therapy treatment programme.


The charity in the story would be a homage to Autism Speaks, while the organization that tortures him with aversive therapy would be homage to the Judge Rotenberg Centre.
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(If I ever did this story, I would want it set up like a Japanese Manga/Anime style as many elements of this story would better fit that style).

My idea is that in the near future, a type of 'virtual reality' game has been created that helps people with Autism interact with Neurotypicals - as well as giving them a way to bring their creativity to life. However, a fake 'charity' for people with Autism (who simply want to eradicate autism at any cost) claims to be able to use the simulation to 'cure autism' - despite heavy criticism of the 'procedure'.
The 'cure is done by manifesting a person's autism as a physical entity (like an animal, for instance - which is why I did this article) and then 'cutting the link' between them (like in the Golden Compass when they try to separate Lyra from her daemon/soul - 0:38) using the simulation.
One teenager with Autism is forced by his parents to go through with this treatment, but undergoes severe side effects as a result of having a 'large part of himself torn away' - with the charity putting him through 'treatment to normalize him', which only makes matters even more hellish as they use Aversive/Electric Shock therapy on him.
In a final bid to regain his own version of normalcy, he returns with his friends (both autistic and neurotypical) along with those who have also been forced to have the 'cure' to try to re-bond with his Autism (which is been held in a digital form in the simulation's databanks); leading to a clash within the simulation with the leaders of the fake charity and the aversive therapy treatment programme.


The charity in the story would be a homage to Autism Speaks, while the organization that tortures him with aversive therapy would be homage to the Judge Rotenberg Centre.

This is the first time I have wanted to write fanfiction for a story that hasn't been published yet. :)
It seems they're making new 'cure claims' every week, near enough.
One minute its something to do with the brain, the next it's stomach gases, etc.

Not wanting to sound like a whinge-bag, but why can't we just be accepted for who we are instead of been told that because we're different, we're wrong?
I've convinced myself neurotypicals are threatened by us and look at aspie behavior as having superpowers.
This is the first time I have wanted to write fanfiction for a story that hasn't been published yet. :)

Thank you. :)
I can imagine during the fight, the people who have got their 'autism animal' back are able to morph it into different animals to fight. However, the leaders of the fake charity and aversive therapy fighting using their own 'monsters' (I was thinking the Jabberwock and Thunderbird / Apep).
Thinking about it, I can imagine it been like the battles you see in shows such as Beyblade, but with just the monsters.
Thank you. :)
I can imagine during the fight, the people who have got their 'autism animal' back are able to morph it into different animals to fight. However, the leaders of the fake charity and aversive therapy fighting using their own 'monsters' (I was thinking the Jabberwock and Thunderbird / Apep).
Thinking about it, I can imagine it been like the battles you see in shows such as Beyblade, but with just the monsters.

You should write this.
I wish someone would take away funding from researchers who conduct these frivolous studies, on living creatures no less. It's as if a bunch of children were given free rein to play in a lab: they have enough curiosity to conduct all manner of bizarre, cruel experiments, but not enough scruples to see that they aren't helping anyone. They are just fiddling around, wracking up various impractical experimental data with which they dream up impractical hypotheses. Meanwhile, the people who are actually providing concrete assistance to autistic people don't see a dime of that wasted money.
As interesting as the information about synapses is, i have a lot of issues with the article i read on it too. Correlation does not prove causation. Can they even truly say that autistic people have more synapses because of autism? Which, might i add, they don't even know the cause for? And, on that note, have they ruled out any other explanations for the synapses? Have they studied this in a big enough population to make it a generalize-able statement? That alone makes me skeptical. Besides, i don't want to be cured. Sure i'd love to know why i'm different from everyone else, but no i don't want to be "cured".
I've been roasted by NTs most of my life. Why would I want to be "cured" as well ?

Maybe some think I must be real jerky. Hmmmm. My bad. :p
I think there might be some jumping of the gun going on here. The article isn't claiming the drug to be a "cure" or even suggesting it as a treatment at this point. It suggests the possibility of it or a similar drug being a treatment in the future based on recent studies showing a difference in synapse density between people diagnosed with autism and people who aren't. At this point the drug has only been used on mice. The article is describing some early research findings, not picking a brand name. If this research does lead to treatments of autistic symptoms there has to be dialogue about appropriate use and treating serious problems vs changing who a person is. I do think we can all agree that there are children out there with severe autism who would definitely benefit from this type of treatment. We do have to advocate for ourselves about not just being seen as broken, but becoming too defensive won't help any of us.

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