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Well I was diagnosed


Well-Known Member
We saw a psychologist for my son over 2 weeks ago and he was diagnosed with Asperger's, ADHD combined, Generalized Anxiety, unspecified depression and other specified tic disorder. All of which I have but I don't have tics and I have major depressive disorder. And OCD.

So basically he gets all of his problems from me. I sent her notes on myself. A lot of notes. Pages and pages of notes. And she told me that it appears I do have Asperger's Syndrome. She did point out that some of the things I do can be due to things like social anxiety and ADHD but know that a lot of times those disorders go hand in hand with AS.

So I went and ordered a few books on AS for girls and women and will be reading up on that. I am not sure about therapy. I've seen a therapist here for a year and a half (we've only lived here for 2 years) and in some ways he is cool but also makes me feel uncomfortable. Just because he has intense eye contact and I have to fake laugh a lot while I'm there. But it is nice to have someone to unload my thoughts on who can give insight but I always forget his advice so my behavior is unchanged. So maybe just books for me.

I also am reading and bought books for my son and we will explain his diagnoses to him today now that we got the summary from the psych (7 pager) and I will also get one on myself.

Anyway there it is!
Good to hear Karmell,
My Physcologist told me that part of the process involves a little discomfort. While probing the edges of our problems, its unavoidable. Applying these concepts to everyday life is a hard nut to crack. Most of my anxiety based behavior is automatic, in the face of real life drama. Substituting new learnt behavior, while in the middle of ones anxiety, is extremely difficult. My Physcologist has taught me a range of breathing exercises to control heart rate and blood pressure, while im dealing with an anxiety. They have been a very useful tool in allowing me to substitute new learnt behaviour
Good to hear Karmell,
My Physcologist told me that part of the process involves a little discomfort. While probing the edges of our problems, its unavoidable. Applying these concepts to everyday life is a hard nut to crack. Most of my anxiety based behavior is automatic, in the face of real life drama. Substituting new learnt behavior, while in the middle of ones anxiety, is extremely difficult. My Physcologist has taught me a range of breathing exercises to control heart rate and blood pressure, while im dealing with an anxiety. They have been a very useful tool in allowing me to substitute new learnt behaviour

I have had anxiety for several years and have been hospitalized for it. It took finding the right medication concoction to get me on the right mantle track. So to still have the traits of AS shining through when I'm on 3 different meds it seems pretty apparent to me. It's going to take a lot of time to really change behaviors that's for sure.
I am pleased for you Kamella, you are making progress on getting your self diagnosed as well. I wonder if your Physicist is aware of the issues for people with aspergers, in making eye contact.
Hope it's a positive step for you.
For me, diagnosis really helped me understand the way my head worked so I could specify and target my areas of difficulty.
Wish you all the best :)

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