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Well that's typical...


Well-Known Member
I feel like being sociable today, it's a gorgeous sunny winter's afternoon, I have cold beer and I'm in a good mood. The two friends I would have liked to come over and visit are both not up to it. Typical that on the one day for lord knows how long I feel like being a social animal no-one is able to come and play :(
What is Winter like over there now? How cold does it get?

Well technically it's still Autumn, but at the moment it's getting down to between 5 and 7C at night, and around 16C during the day, so not that bad. After almost 5 years living in the Middle East I'm still finding it hard to adjust to the cold however...
I suppose it would depend upon what area you were in and the laws.

Yup, it really does. In the UAE there are bars in most hotels, and also alcohol shops in some places. When you're a resident you're supposed to get a yearly license that allows you to buy a certain dollar amount of booze every week, but very few people bother to get it as you never get asked. As far as I know, in Saudi the rules are much tighter. I spent a weekend in Oman and had no problem there either, loads of bars.
I know the feeling. I'm feeling sociable. Just want the company of people I can relate with.

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