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What about tact?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I had a horrible experience today with my lovely cat.

Was in the middle of preparing oranges to make juice and suddenly heard a gagging sound behind me, so naturally, turned around fast and there was my baby girl cat, Milly, with a half chewed mouse and tail hanging from her mouth and next minute, vomitted it out of her mouth and then, proceeded to vomit all her buiscuts too and that girl, what do you suppose she did? She scarped for it! Thanks very much Milly!

I saw I had no choice but clean the grossness up and of course, started doing what Milly was doing, but only by noise, so to speak.

After that, I was unable to eat, despite feeling hungry, so prayed to my Heavenly Father, Jehovah and so grateful to Him, because He enabled me to erase the image from my mind and knew what I was going to eat and did, without feeling ill.

So, I related this experience to a friend and could not believe what she said, when I started to have some homemade orange juice. Tastes good, because you have bits of mouse in it!!!!! I actually had to shout at her to stop, otherwise, I was in danger of being sick. All I got was: ah, sorry about that, but she was laughing!

Got me thinking, that despite having Aspergers and occasionally upsetting ones with my unintentional words, I would never say such a thing.
I say inappropriate things sometimes, part is that I might not understand what is appropriate in a given context (asd), and part is because my mouth runs faster than my brain (adhd). And I'm really sorry, but even it might have been inappropriate, I think your friend has a great sense of humor :) she tried to apologize, that is worth something.

Besides that I have had to clean a half chewed water rat from the floor, one half was intact the other had gone out of the cat, the same way it went in - it is not a pleasant thing to do... I can relate to your experience there.
I don't think it's an Aspie or NT thing. If anything we have (at least by reputation) more of a tendency towards being blunt which can come accross as tactless.

What you have there I think is more related to humor types. Some people, actually many probably, both ASD and NT have what some call dark or morbid humor. It runs a little in my family at the siblings level. I use it on occasion but have a sister and brother (especially) who dwell there often. It's just a type of humor, like sarcasm or absurdity, though some take it to extremes, I believe in part because they like to shock people (brother again).
That doesn't sound like a bad thing to say. It sounds like the kind of obvious joke countless people would make.
That's the kind of thing my sister would do to me. I think it sounds like the kind of thing people say/do when they are very close or very close friends. I wouldn't say that to an acquaintance but I would say it to my sister. And I would laugh when she freaked out a little. She would do the same to me.
Tastes good, because you have bits of mouse in it!!!!!
This seemed to be a common sport as kids in primary school, trying to put each other off their food. From things like Peanut Paste and Vegemite getting called penis paste and vaginamite, to one that caught on and stuck. There's a common desert here called a Vanilla Slice, but colloquially it's also known here now as a Snot Block.

I had a horrible experience today with my lovely cat.

Was in the middle of preparing oranges to make juice and suddenly heard a gagging sound behind me, so naturally, turned around fast and there was my baby girl cat, Milly, with a half chewed mouse and tail hanging from her mouth and next minute, vomitted it out of her mouth and then, proceeded to vomit all her buiscuts too and that girl, what do you suppose she did? She scarped for it! Thanks very much Milly!

I saw I had no choice but clean the grossness up and of course, started doing what Milly was doing, but only by noise, so to speak.

After that, I was unable to eat, despite feeling hungry, so prayed to my Heavenly Father, Jehovah and so grateful to Him, because He enabled me to erase the image from my mind and knew what I was going to eat and did, without feeling ill.

So, I related this experience to a friend and could not believe what she said, when I started to have some homemade orange juice. Tastes good, because you have bits of mouse in it!!!!! I actually had to shout at her to stop, otherwise, I was in danger of being sick. All I got was: ah, sorry about that, but she was laughing!

Got me thinking, that despite having Aspergers and occasionally upsetting ones with my unintentional words, I would never say such a thing.
It’s a funny story about the cat (I laughed while I was reading it and cringing at the same time), but to actually experience it would be so, so gross. Yuck.
Horrible. No, kinda crass in a dark humor way. I would vomit if she said that to me. She definitely doesn't have a job as a stand-up comedian.
This seemed to be a common sport as kids in primary school, trying to put each other off their food. From things like Peanut Paste and Vegemite getting called penis paste and vaginamite, to one that caught on and stuck. There's a common desert here called a Vanilla Slice, but colloquially it's also known here now as a Snot Block.

View attachment 122864

That looks pretty good actually. :D

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