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What are some lies you told people?


Well-Known Member
I was a pathological liar in grade 9 and 10. If someone asked me what I had for breakfast and I had had corn flakes, I would say that I had had Cheeerios.

My lies:

that I was my cousin's girlfriend

that he was a year older than me

that i had a hit list

that I had friends outside that school

that I went sailing with my friend from elementary school

that I had an aunt that thought she was thin when she was fat and wouldn't stop eating

that I ate a dead fish at sailing camp from the Pooey Louie lake

that I could sail well

that I was not autistic

that my cousin's friend was also my boyfriend but not really

that my cousin had just one friend

that I spoke French at home

that I was part Russian

that I had family in Russia

that I had family all over the world

that I had a very dysfunctional family full of rapists, killers, suicidals, nutjobs, eccentrics, etc (well, to some extent that was true and they are all inbred on my mom's side and psychotic, and moody on my dad's side)

that I had a friend at this other school

that I was still in contact with my old friends from elementary school
. . . LOL!
I don't think I really lie that much.
Sometimes I'll change minor details, like where I met boyfriends or something, or skip details for the sake of saving time.
I don't think I've actually made up any major lies.
I lie about how I'm feeling a lot, and what I think of people and stuff. But I don't think they count. Seeing as it's more to be nice.
I told my mom I wouldn't spend the money she gave me to go out Friday night on beer 30 years ago.

I know I've lied since then but I'm so lousy at it,it doesn't happen much,that's the only one i could think of.

Also I'm a bit plastered at the moment,plays hell with your short term memory.
I lied and said I was bipolar once before I became bipolar for real (it usually starts at age 19, and that's exactly when it started for me). I said I had blown up a bowling alley with my cousin when we were 12 and that we were both in a mental institution and diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
I don't lie much. Not because I am morally opposed to it, but because I know that I would end up contradicting myself and get caught out every time. I lack guile and imagination. Those are some good lies by the OP though. Do you find that you can keep track of what lies you have told and be consistent in your telling of them?
Hi Ana,

Thanks for coming up with this shy but highly interesting topic.

I understand all that; it's not strange especially among Aspies who have a particularly intense dosage of accompanying 'comorbidity' (I wouldn't easily call it that myself), in the widest sense. It just has to be viewed from subtle angles and in the correct light of expanding science.

To tell you the truth, those 'lies' (at least some) are not necessarily 'evil' (just off the norm) and, so they are not lies as in lies. Especially when you have no intention to hurt/mislead/deceive someone by telling him/her some of your fantasies. You may even wish you were a more sublime, multi-dimensional being in order to treat others better (to give much more of yourself to them, or to simply enrich you, yourself, and them while existing/living in this rigidly felt world), which could make you more present both for yourself and them.

When an Aspie is a 'fantasista' (severely imaginative and creative) and self-manipulative (already NOT neuro-typical and having but 'little spatial occupation' in the rough external physical world) and has a combination of dyspraxia and (at least) mild Schizophrenia (or 'Schizoid' personality), things like that DO happen, mostly as a matter of neurology than social convention and relational intention.

On the other end of the Autism spectrum, that of the non-high-functioning typical Autist, it's the other way around: they are unable to tell lies, just 'linear, gray truths', which is actually humanly worrisome (you can also ask Plato as to why 'always telling the truth' isn't so interesting for some highly intelligent humans), since any sufficiently intelligent human being is CAPABLE of lying or simply mental manipulation (at different levels). Hence most children, as manipulative, fluid, and wild as they are, do lie as a 'natural habit'.

I used to know an autistic boy who was just so predictable and utterly unable to tell lies/any slightly manipulated stories. He was bullied a lot and literally always stripped in front of the laughing others. But then, when he learned, like for the first time, how to lie, he could NOT stop lying (the rigidity of the mind went like totally reversed!), always refusing to tell the 'objective versions of reality'.

So from now on, please be gentle with yourself. Don't be sorry (while being compassionate and having a growing awareness of what ultimate justice might or could be), things will be better off with people (perhaps you'd rather not talk to them at all than predictably torture them with 'versions of reality' only you can see and grasp). Just understand it better, uniquely. It's not easy to be you, I know that, especially when you feel guilty. So get rid of it, it's OK, our Universe is vast enough for an infinite number of realities, both subjective and objective. Caress yourself like the morning dew.

Just don't hurt yourself and others. Try not to. When you feel you've hurt someone you know, before the guilt takes hold of you isolatedly and painfully (in the manic-depressive sense), next time you can just treat a stranger you've just met so consciously with utter Love and care. That's how LIFE repays itself at times. Besides, it's not just about people. You can also love animals, that won't shallowly judge you, instead of just surface, socially normed people.

Let it be an infinite progression. Love, love, and love more.

Hope that helps. Other people, especially NTs, should know this too in order to have more compassion (I doubt this, since compassion is mostly intrinsic and exists as a pure gift) and be able to help the Aspie. Typical shallow judgment is simply lethal to the awkwardly sensitive Aspie, whether it is the shallow treatment of NTs or simply a directive acquired and internalized by the Aspie from the society. Anywhere, an Aspie always tries like twice or thrice harder than NTs in fitting in. It's a coarse world for us.


PS. This might help as well, though I don't think it's sufficiently developed:

I lied always to my classmates because I didn't want my classmates to recognize me when IO became famous after leaving school. (I never did become famous tho.) I didn't want them remembering me as Anastassia Florine because I had proof that whenever they thought about Anastassia Florine, they thought of certain embarrassing moments I had. So I decided that I would be a different person when I was famous, a person who was the real me, and that Anastassia Florine was not the real me and I didn't want to be Anastassia any more. I told some lies and acted like someone I was not, hoping that when I grew up and became myself and told the truth they would not recognize me and remember my embarrassing moments.

But now my attitude is simply, "You ain't seen the best of me yet. Give me time and I'll make you forget the rest!"
I sometimes enjoy deceiving others, normally just with minor lies. But I mostly tell the truth even if it would serve me better with a lie. However I love to keep info from others for various reasons (and love spreading info too FYI) mostly if I think they have no reason to know it, or if I think it would harm them (I think info in the wrong hands can be extremly harmful). I tend to be as correct as possible as incorrect info is a transparent lie that I do not like at all.

And a real lie from my point of view would be to claim your incorrectness is correct even when others see through it. So if one would discover the truth then it would only be natural to admit that you lied.

So I enjoy being quite secret and telling minor lies just for fun or to twist a story a little bit, even if it happens only on rare occasions. (After all, a normal human is said to lie atleast a bunch of times (cant rememeber the exact number) per day)
Well, I'm not a normal human being anymore then. I don't lie at all. I hate it. It NEVER pays. It's bad for everyone concerned.

I used to lie when I was a kid to make my life sound more exciting. I lied in my journals at school and my teacher thought I really had a big family that lived in a house and did all these crazy things. She wrote, "I don't know how you can say you have a boring life, Anastassia." Then my mom came for the parent-teacher interviews and told them I was an only child and the teacher was so amused and shocked!
Normal or not... what's the deal? Is the whole Universe 'normal'? ^_6

Sure, this relates to a deep category of anxiety/depression. But once forgiving themselves, people like you can be the ones who appreciate their lives and transformation the most.

I guess that's just fine. We can always have a growing sense of justice, of what ultimately makes sense and what doesn't.

Being manipulative and schizoid at this level isn't the same as committing crimes such as terrorism, murder, and rape. We can hopefully always move past self-abuse and give others a more sublimated version of us.

I'm just saying, Reality is large enough for all sorts of perception. Most dominant norms are (socially) binding, true, but also self-bounded, and there are exceptional norms for exceptional minds/souls.
When it comes to sexuality, I don't even answer it tbh.
I'm bisexual, but long story short, imo, all females are bisexual, so I just say I'm straight to people who say they're straight, and to people who are bisexual that I'm bisexual.
Sometimes I've thought I was lesbian, but then something happened and I decided I was bisexual again.
There's been other time where I've thought I was straight, but I just stick with bisexual.
Oh. I lied to ex-boyfriends about my sexuality. That's one. Either I was lesbian or straight. ^_^.
I also lied about why I was no longer going on the New York trip with my grade... I said that I was obligated to go to some stupid family thing that my parents were making me go to, when the real reason was that I was advised not to go because all the kids picked on me and I had no friends and they would do worse in a foreign city and if I got into a fight I would end up in jail with black men.

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