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What are your favorite US airlines?

What are your favorite airlines

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Pink Jazz

Well-Known Member
I was wondering, what are your favorite US airlines?

My two favorites are Delta and United. I like that both airlines provide a premium product in Economy class. Delta has the TVs at every seat and now United is trying to compete. Both airlines also provide good service as well.
"Favorite US Airlines" ? Difficult question. ;)

oxymoron /ŏk″sē-môr′ŏn″/
  1. A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.
  2. A figure in which an epithet of a contrary signification is added to a word; e. g., cruel kindness; laborious idleness.
  3. A figure of speech in which two words with opposing meanings are used together intentionally for effect.
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I like Hawaiian. They use to serve champagne on the outer island flights, then that ended. But flying outer island is so breathtaking. I can think of airports l hate, and others l love. LAX is huge, and always overrun with construction projects.
I generally dont care which airline it is, so long as it isnt Southwest. I'm not really sure what the difference is between any of the others, but if Southwest is what we have to use, I know the flight is gonna be extra dumb. In what specific way it'll be dumb, that changes every time.

But if I had to pick a favorite, I'd say, it's my car. What? That doesnt fly? I'm picking it anyway.
I've only ever flown Alaska and Frontier, just for short, regional flights within the northwest, never over 2 hours long. I really liked every flight I took. Nice seats, quiet, friendly, clean. Everywhere I've flown had pine trees, ferns, and lots of rain.
It often has less to do with the airline and more to do with your seating class (coach/economy vs. business vs. first class) and whether or not it is a domestic flight (better) or international flight (worse) with regards to TSA security experience.

If you are flying "economy" on an international flight, plan on having a miserable experience. If you are flying business or first class on a domestic flight, you're probably going to have a great experience.

Business and first-class seats are wider with real cushions, and recline, leg room, and spaced further apart. The meals you get are with real tableware and with decent servings and selections. They don't give you a bunch of hassle about your carry-on bags. It's an entirely different thing.

Economy class is pretty much a dehumanizing experience now-a-days. Cram as many bodies in as small a space as they can. The meals are a joke. Shoulder to shoulder. No leg room. You get done with your flight and want to take a shower to wash off the "grossness" you just experienced.

The TSA security checks are dehumanizing, as well. If they are international, it's downright rudeness and being mean for no reason at all. Very stressful. Talk about a triggering situation for an autistic.

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