Well-Known Member
Most of all people with asperger's and autism experience sleep problems? sleep problems in asperger's and autistic people are mainly caused by lack of melatonin, melatonin is a hormone that motivates you to go to sleep, it gets you to sleep and it keeps you sleeping and we people with asperger's autism lack that hormone, but there are melatonin supplements that can provide you with all the needed melatonin but they aren't as effective as sleep medication, melatonin is available over-the counter in the US and Canada but in other countries there is needed a prescription from a doctor to get access to it, your body needs sleep and if it isn't getting enough sleep it can cause loss of sensitivity of the neuroreceptors and can effect on adrenaline and seratonin and that causes lack of cognitive function, so if your experiencing sleep problems GO TO THE DOCTOR!