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What did learning about Asperger's teach me?

The Penguin

Chilly Willy The Penguin
Me learning about Asperger's helped me make more sense of many issues I'm facing in my life, such as socializing, making friends and other things relating to communication.

It also helped understand me having limited interest. Mine is so limited that most mainstream interests does not interest me. I'm not afraid to admit I love playing with Lego and model trains for being a 32 year old.

But despite of all the research I have done, I found I understand Asperger's better when I joined Aspies Central. This is because we have real people share stuff about their lives on a regular base. I learned how some people are similarly related to the interest I have. I also learned there many is no where related to me. But something I think we all can relate to is this is a fantastic site.

If you are a new person learning about Asperger's, I would take advantage of this site. Read the posts, take advantage of our resource section and write a post so we can try our best to answer your question(s).

Another good thing being a part of our site, you don't need to feel you're the only person in the world with Asperger's. That and you have a chance to interact with real people.
I like that you aren't afraid to admit what kind of things you like. I'm into little kid things, but I'm afraid to say it. You totally motivated me to be unashamed!
I agree, it does seem like although you may find one person who shares something in common with you, you won't find any other person who is just like you.
I like that you aren't afraid to admit what kind of things you like. I'm into little kid things, but I'm afraid to say it. You totally motivated me to be unashamed!
I agree, it does seem like although you may find one person who shares something in common with you, you won't find any other person who is just like you.
Thanks and I am glad you joined our site today.
Yes. This penguin happy now since summer is over. Though some might be mad at me and want to sue me so I dump a bucket of ice over their head and swim deep into the water.

I always loved penguins since I was a kid. I always enjoyed Chilly Willy The Penguin cartoon since my childhood. I am determine to meet penguins in Antarctica in the future
That's pretty cool! I can't stand the cold, but I can't stand the heat either. They have penguins at the zoo in my town, very cute! Except one has a bad foot :( so he wears a special shoe.
Lucky the penguin


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So it's not normal for only the girly girls to not like Legos and building toys?? I'd figured most tomboys and guys liked them no matter the age.
So it's not normal for only the girly girls to not like Legos and building toys?? I'd figured most tomboys and guys liked them no matter the age.
Well they have a girl line of Lego. Can't remember the name. But even if a guy likes the girl line it does not matter. As whole I don't consider Lego gender type.
Well they have a girl line of Lego. Can't remember the name. But even if a guy likes the girl line it does not matter. As whole I don't consider Lego gender type.
...Girl line? I'm afraid to look it up.

Less of a gender type and more of a "if it's not a purse, shoe, boy, or makeup, I'm too mature for that" attitude I've known in girly girls. And then they hug a Hello Kitty purse.
...Girl line? I'm afraid to look it up.

Less of a gender type and more of a "if it's not a purse, shoe, boy, or makeup, I'm too mature for that" attitude I've known in girly girls. And then they hug a Hello Kitty purse.
Friends, that the name of the girl Lego line. It seem to be geared to little girls and young teens
Not the same as the 'real' thing, though. I was a tomboy growing up. Had that retro red bucket filled with Lego bricks and a flat green mat to build on like a house. My uncle always joined in making the roof and he was at his element as an adult with it.

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