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What do I need to expect?


Active Member
I know that, yes, technically I have always had Asperger's. However, since I was recently diagnosed, I know things might change for me. Is there anything I should expect? I know I will have to learn to cover my weaknesses (if I haven't already)...I'm...just worried that I will start to have to pretend I am someone I am not.
Actually Bramble, I found the opposite. I found it gives me permission to be myself because I don't have to pretend to be "normal".

I only learnt I had Aspergers in August last year. I'm now putting labels to the things I struggle with, which helps to be able to look up the right sort of assistance.

But overall, nothing really changed except how I view myself.
That's sort of the problem with ASD---it's different for everyone, and everyone's environment is different, so some of us have found acceptance easily while others have not.

The most important thing for you to remember, though, is that you're still you. It doesn't matter what other people think as long as you continue to have faith in your own abilities.
Thank you both so much. That is encouraging. :) There's just so much going on at once and I just don't want to end up pretending I am someone I am not. :P

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