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What do you think of Autistic IBM employee videos? Of value?

Andrew Williams

Active Member
A year ago I posted a NT point of view on ND hiring in IBM - I received a lot of feedback and listened from this community.

I would like to resubmit for consideration a series of neurodivergent IBMers talking about their experience of being hired within IBM - from Brazil to US to Australia. More to come as we increase hiring. Each clip is about 4 minutes long.

Are we on the right track?

and another one from Rudi but in Portuguese
My first thought: Wow, people who talk/look (mannerisms etc) like I do! I'm so used to seeing "polished" corporate speakers on company videos, not people who stutter and rock back and forth, or whose eyes wander, like mine.
These are great, the programme sounds good, supportive and usefully challenging, giving confidence and interesting work to people who have non standard profiles and yet great abilities.

Do you have women on the programme, and how are they doing?
My first thought: Wow, people who talk/look (mannerisms etc) like I do! I'm so used to seeing "polished" corporate speakers on company videos, not people who stutter and rock back and forth, or whose eyes wander, like mine.
Yes. Agree. I just posted some questions and what you see is unscripted voices responding. More to come...
These are great, the programme sounds good, supportive and usefully challenging, giving confidence and interesting work to people who have non standard profiles and yet great abilities.

Do you have women on the programme, and how are they doing?

Thinx - Thanks for the feedback. Yes, we do have women in the programme and they are doing well! I work regularly with many ND women in IBM - they challenge me every day in regard to my NT views of life and NDs. I am working on video responses from IBM ND women now and will post them here once I have completed the editing process. More to come....
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