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What kind of therapies are you doing?


Well-Known Member
Currently I am doing talk therapy. But, now with my diagnosis it was recommended that I do a bunch of stuff: CBT, DBT, ACT among other things. Do any of you have experience doing these or other therapies?
am unable to do talking therapies due to communication disability and level of autism & ID,however am under continuous ABA here and speech and language therapy, and guess coud call all the medications am on therapy to,plus unofficialy the rabbits of mine are animal therapy.
had had a lot of strict ABA,sensory integration therapy and music therapy whilst at greenways intelectual disability hospital,hated the ABA but it really helped self become more functional and less challenging, and the SIT and music therapy cured the profound hyperacusis of mine [its now severe,but am able to listen to sound and music again under specific circumstances].
the medications have helped even more so than the ABA towards autism behaviors,functioning and severe challenging behavior.

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