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What stategies do you do, that seems wild to others, due to Agoraphobia or social anxiety?


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V.I.P Member
I personally, get up just before 5am these days and at 6:30 am, go and post a letter ( my faith) and do this every single day. That time, due to the street lamps going on; but it seems, as of yesterday, there is a new time, so I take a torch to light up my way, as it is now pitch dark.

I realise I come across as eccentric, but with what I have to go through every day, in my mind, I have no choice, but go out at that time. But, I love it lol
I generally have a lot of social anxiety, so I don’t get out as much as I would like to. Going to a church with the smallest attendance helps me. I’m an early bird and wake up between 3:00-4:00 a.m. So I do my shopping as soon as the stores open. I also request to work the early shift starting at 5:00 a.m. when the business is desolate.

But I am trying to overcome my social anxiety - if that is possible. I started to attend what is referred to as a “clubhouse” in my area. It is basically a hangout place for people who are mentally ill. I started going there recently and met a few very nice people. I can’t always relate to them, but it feels good to be in nice company. It is also great “exposure therapy.”
Find that exercise double backs a lot of my issues. Probably anxiety in general. I now ignore people, that is a great strategy. This current town is just an assortment of younger deadbeats. The older people are a tab more respectful. Yesterday somebody was screaming at my back. I was at Aldi store parking lot where carts cost a quarter. He was too lazy to put the cart back and was angry when l just ignored him. I didn't want his cart OR his interaction. Entitlement lives in Florida. Oh boy. We probably had the first Karen's here too.
Well, you got the first Trump wannabe in DeSantis I dislike his performative cruelty and hatred of anybody outside of the christian mainstream. I'm just waiting for him to replace the Welcome signs on the highways to ones saying Arbeit Macht Frei.
I still get twinges of social anxiety at times, but nothing like the fearful paralysis I once had. I manage to calm myself in new situations rather than pretending to be outgoing as I once did. I will listen to conversations and if any are interesting, introduce myself and chime in.
I used to go bicycling at midnight, dressed to the nines, even in the rain. That was a way to travel, to get some exercise, to be alone with my thoughts for a time, and avoid people. Either that or I would go walk with a tobacco pipe. The pipe let me time my walk--one pipe was a short one, two pipes was about right, no pipe meant I'd been carrying wet matches.

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