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What Was That?


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I recently had a follow up appointment after surgery. The surgeon was talking to me about after care and how often I needed to come back for re-checks just to make sure everything is healing. I was seated on the examining table and she was standing a little out of my line of vision, doing something on her computer while she spoke.

Then she stopped talking and came and leaned over, peering very closely in my face. I froze, not knowing what the heck she was doing that for. We were both wearing masks, so I couldn't see her whole face, not that it would have made any difference; I can't read faces anyway. Then she said something like a long drawn out "Okaaay?"

Why did she get in my face like that?
From the perspective from someone in healthcare,...one, you should have simply asked,...but two, without knowing the context of your surgery and recovery (none of our business) it would be difficult to speculate. If I had to speculate, she was looking at your eyes, perhaps for discoloration of the whites, vascularity, etc....one of many markers of health.
Did you affirm to her that you were listening to her? I assume since she was out of your vision you weren't looking at her, and you didn't say that you verbally said "Okay," or nodded to her, or anything like that. She went about it very rudely, but she may have thought you weren't listening and forcefully got your attention, and then went "Okaayy?" to get you to affirm that you heard her. If she ever does that again tell her you were listening and that she doesn't need to be rude about it, if you feel comfortable doing so.
From the perspective from someone in healthcare,...one, you should have simply asked,...but two, without knowing the context of your surgery and recovery (none of our business) it would be difficult to speculate. If I had to speculate, she was looking at your eyes, perhaps for discoloration of the whites, vascularity, etc....one of many markers of health.
No, it wasn't like an examination. I was already done with that part, and had gotten dressed and was waiting to finish up and leave. I suspected that she misread my lack of eye contact as inattentiveness, but she was also out of eye contact range. My husband was with me and was equally puzzled about the sudden invasion of personal space.
Did you affirm to her that you were listening to her? I assume since she was out of your vision you weren't looking at her, and you didn't say that you verbally said "Okay," or nodded to her, or anything like that. She went about it very rudely, but she may have thought you weren't listening and forcefully got your attention, and then went "Okaayy?" to get you to affirm that you heard her. If she ever does that again tell her you were listening and that she doesn't need to be rude about it, if you feel comfortable doing so.
You are right. And I was nodding and agreeing with the regimen she was outlining. But at that moment, though, I felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights and wasn't sure how to react. I also felt invaded and intimidated.
No, it wasn't like an examination. I was already done with that part, and had gotten dressed and was waiting to finish up and leave. I suspected that she misread my lack of eye contact as inattentiveness, but she was also out of eye contact range. My husband was with me and was equally puzzled about the sudden invasion of personal space.

You're right. A bit odd.

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