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What would you do for $225/ day?


I hope something good happens to you today
V.I.P Member
This thought occurred to me last night, as I stood atop a mountain in the rain working.
What would YOU do to take home $225 per day pay, plus another $160-285 in benefits per day?

How far would you push your self or your body? What would you endure for such an income? Would you work 8,10,12 hours per day?

I personally don't care about money, except as a necessity to pay bills and live life. I would happily avoid danger and abusing my body if I didn't have so many responsibilities. I keep asking myself, is all this really worth it?
That is one of the questions I ask myself everyday. Is all the running around and working really worth it? It takes up most of my time and thinking,and it is constant stress and by the time I can relax, I'm either to tired to enjoy it or im still thinking about what's next. I think about the day I'm on my deathbed and looking back on my life and asking myself was it all worth it ?
I would go back to my clinical practise as that was about my figure, $500/day on a 10hr day.

Now I earn half that but work 12-14 hours per day in dangerous locations.

I earn to live and I live pretty basic for a UK person. No it's not worth it, but I'm on the downhill stretch heading home, so I don't care.
To me, that question is a bit hard.

Plenty of jobs I'd do, granted I could do them and cope with them. I'm not overly picky, unless I actually would feel bad mentally (and any mundane jobs would be a good example of what just does me in mentally). I seem to be slightly haunted by the notion that anything unpleasant will bother me for days and I really would need alone time for an extended period. The same goes for physical pains and aches; the slightest bodily discomfort becomes an itch I can't scratch, for days and keeps me from doing anything to relax.

I've been at the point of burn out and other issues because of work, so I know there's plenty I can't deal with without having to spend my daily paycheck on a therapist again. And that would defeat the purpose.

What's also worth wondering; 225 a day; but do we have to work a full week? I could probably do 2 days of 10 hours of work, perhaps even do 12 (I've had such days in the past, but nowhere that kind of pay), but I don't know if I could manage 5 days on drudging to work, coming home exhausted, eating, sleeping and reapeating that for all those days. It's also my issue with employed; I can probably work 30 to 40 hours a week, but only as long as I can have complete freedom of my working schedule/hours.

So, I can't even describe a job I'd do, there are a lot of other issues that come to mind related to such an idea/offer
Well this would't be much of an issue for me if my business does well. Software development companies does make good money. Of course starting a business involves long hours. When my business grows and I'm able to afford large staff, I would work fewer hours and let the staff takes care of things for me. I'm doing my best to make this a reality. I got accepted in a business program that the government gives me a living allowance , training, mentor while trying to build my business. None of this money I need to pay back. I found people gave me interest free loans. I meet another person giving me free office space. So for me, what I'm writing here it not something I'm dreaming about. I making all of this an reality. In the future if I reach success I would focus my time staring non profit organizations to help people with multiple disabilities. First focus would be help people have LD and AS.
My answer all depends on what I'd be using my earnings for. I've always lived very simply, saving most everything up for travel. For that, I've gladly done whatever I had to. If I had a family to maintain, I would also be willing to do whatever was required. Were I on my own, but unable to travel, I would be much more choosy. I wouldn't care how much I earned, but my occupation would have to be something personally rewarding. I'd rather live like a pauper doing something that pleases me and suits my values, than live like a king doing something I loathe, or that corroded my soul.
$225 a day? Guaranteed? I'd draw one beautiful 14"x17" drawing each week worth $225 and let it sell. That's still about $900 a month and I'd be happy with that. Of course, $11,700 annually, not many people can live on that, but I can make it work. Maybe I'd do three drawings every two weeks and bump it up to $17,550, I'd be very comfortable on that.
Not too sure - I'd much rather have enough to get by and do a job that I was genuinely happy with, than do something I hated but make much more money. I wouldn't want to do anything dangerous or where I'd be abusing my body at all - you couldn't pay me to do that.
I would try to figure out how to double it first if it my job didn't try to kill me :D

I did some pretty crazy stunts for a living in my past that did have some negative results,but made up for it on payday ;)
I'd let people hug me for up to an hour as much as they'd like. One person at a time, please.

Yes, because ugh.

That reminds me of something that happened Christmas weekend, but I'll post it in a new thread. >.>

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