Do people ever ask you this?
I went to a fundraiser tonight for a friend's brother's girlfriend's sister who has cancer. My friend asked me if i would go and of course i wanted to help out, but i knew beforehand that it was going to be awkward for me. As much as i want to help a person and their family who is struggling, i knew that i was going to be surrounded by a bunch of people i don't know and it was going to be extremely difficult for me to show that i care. Anyway my friend turns to me "whats wrong mate? why are you so quiet tonight?" It upsets me when i want to do good for someone but the way i am makes people think i'm bored or don't want to be there, it was far from the truth.
More than one person turned to me tonight and said, your very quiet tonight, is something wrong? What do people say to this? No nothings wrong i am just an awkward person, i want to be here as much as everyone else i just don't do well around people i don't know very well.
A few years back i probably wouldn't have gone at all, i would have made up an excuse and that would have sucked because it would have meant i would have lost an opportunity to do something good for somebody. I'm glad i forced myself though.
I went to a fundraiser tonight for a friend's brother's girlfriend's sister who has cancer. My friend asked me if i would go and of course i wanted to help out, but i knew beforehand that it was going to be awkward for me. As much as i want to help a person and their family who is struggling, i knew that i was going to be surrounded by a bunch of people i don't know and it was going to be extremely difficult for me to show that i care. Anyway my friend turns to me "whats wrong mate? why are you so quiet tonight?" It upsets me when i want to do good for someone but the way i am makes people think i'm bored or don't want to be there, it was far from the truth.
More than one person turned to me tonight and said, your very quiet tonight, is something wrong? What do people say to this? No nothings wrong i am just an awkward person, i want to be here as much as everyone else i just don't do well around people i don't know very well.
A few years back i probably wouldn't have gone at all, i would have made up an excuse and that would have sucked because it would have meant i would have lost an opportunity to do something good for somebody. I'm glad i forced myself though.