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Whats your Zombie apocolypse survival plan?


Well-Known Member
This is always a fun conversation, that almost every one i have ever met has already spent hours coming up with a excellent survival plan for Z-Day

Trasport: Long wheel base transit van or Half size bus 16 seater...
has to be heavy enough not to be tipped but have enough HP to plough through hordes of zombies.

I do know there is an army barracks near me that have 4 APC's on site, but thats a long shot :P

Every geek should know that zombies are attracket to sound, so hand to hand weapons would be first port of call... I already have a collection of swords, but camping and DIY store would be awesome for this, Axe's etc...

But also ranged weapons are still a good bett, Which is why i have scoped out all the local clay pidgeon ranges and the gun shops in manchester :D Again a 12 Guage would be best, but find magnum rounds 3x more powerfull.

Where to Hold up:
For the first few months i would stay on the road. But after it starts to get quiet it would be time to hold up.

As far as i can work out you would be best to stay some where right on the edge of a city / town, not to far out to the point where you are completely cut off, and if you are in a city there would be no way out. but just close enough to get what you need and also have the chance to bail should you need to.

Anyway, lets hear'em :D
I LOVE post-apocalyptic stuff. It's my dream to live in a wasteland. I would simply keep myself mobile. Having fishing gear would be essential, and probably one of the few sustainable food supplies left. As far as weapons go, I would choose a 308 hunting rifle, 20gauge shotgun (less recoil for when zombies are charging), and a cross-bow for those silent kills that won't attract the entire mob of zombies!

I think clothing also plays a big role in surviving. I would wear tough leather and cloth that they can't easily bite through. Maybe a duster / trench coat would be good.

Also, most people wouldn't think of this... but a netbook with google earth installed on it. I would then store car batteries at various locations so I can use the netbook to see the layout of big cities. Then I could tell exactly where the good stores are at for looting and finding supplies.

As far as a place to sleep it needs to be something up high so the zombies can't reach you, and also something secret and hidden so regular people can't rob or kill you for your stuff... Let's face it.. in this world people will turn into chaotic mobs and try to kill you for supplies. :P I believe a warehouse would be a nice place to hide. Big enough where people can't easily find you, remote enough where people won't look there for supplies, and enough ceiling space to find something high above potential zombie threats.

I think having a good mountain bicycle would be key. Fast enough to outrun zombies and quiet enough to not attract zombies or people.

Also, just a good tip: You can take the alternator out of vehicles and connect them to your bike to recharge the car batteries you use for the netbook and other electronic devices. This could allow you to even use radios if you have friends with you.
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Just realized a very very important survival tip....Seen this in a book lol: "Use your head: cut off theirs, blades don’t need reloading". Must have some kind of blade as a weapon because bullets will run dry as time goes on. Maybe a machete, but also something longer with more reach so you don't get bitten by the zombies. Samurai sword?? :P
Just realized a very very important survival tip....Seen this in a book lol: "Use your head: cut off theirs, blades don’t need reloading". Must have some kind of blade as a weapon because bullets will run dry as time goes on. Maybe a machete, but also something longer with more reach so you don't get bitten by the zombies. Samurai sword?? :P

lawnmower, as illustrated in following piece of cinema

Another tactic might be to infiltrate their midsts and start spreading rumors on how eating aspiebrains causes terrible diarrhea.
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Another tactic might be to infiltrate their midsts and start spreading rumors on how eating aspiebrains causes terrible diarrhea.

I guess my plan in the event of a zombie apocalypse would be to find a big shopping mall to hole up in (and hope that no biker gangs show up!) Maybe that's not a very original plan (or even a very good one, come to think of it). I suppose it beats "Get brains eaten by zombies within first five minutes of zombie apocalypse," which I think is what would probably end up happening to me if there were ever a real zombie apocalypse.

Are there many shopping malls like the one in Dawn of the Dead that have gun stores? I don't think I've ever been to one. I think a cool zombie-slaying weapon to find would be a samurai sword (maybe I thought about that since there's a part in this Italian horror movie from the 80s called Demons where a guy rides around on a motorbike and slices up the demons with a samurai sword). A real one (as opposed to a cheapo replica) might be kind of hard to come by in the United States (I kind of have a feeling that there's not too many lying around in Germany either, that's where Demons is set).

BTW, James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd) and one of his friends visited the mall in Pittsburgh where Dawn of the Dead was filmed last year and posted a video of it at Cinemassacre.com:

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I think I just found the perfect totally-badass-but-completely-impractical weapon for the zombie apocalypse:


Wait, wait, wait...are we talking classic Dawn-of-the-Dead Zombies or a modernized 28 Days Later Zombie?
Talking about apocalypses, have any of you seen the one orchestrated by derren brown? Haha, poor bastard.

My plan is to run faster than my neighbour ; )
While I highly, highly doubt that a zombie apocalypse will happen, The Walking Dead (in all its forms) has made me think more about what I should probably start doing to prepare for a disaster scenario---whether it's weather or a flu pandemic. I don't plan on becoming a survivalist or anything, but I should at least consider what measures might be taken in such a situation.

I probably don't need to learn how to use a firearm, but maybe I should, just in case . . . I don't know. I don't like guns.

In any case, I don't expect to be able to outrun a zombie horde, so I am quite glad that science makes life after death impossible. If zombies could actually exist, I'd need a lot of people to watch out for me. :help:
Ummm...The zombie chameleon strategy! Make like a zombie, stagger about looking blank (easy for me!) & lurch lopsidedly. They won't notice I'm not the genuine article. It works for me in the NT world all the time (so long as I don't have to pull it off for too long).
Do boomsticks work in this situation? If they do, just give one to me and let me kick some undead rear end. If they don't, well, g'bye.
Liquidate Homeland Insecurity forces, obliterate TSA forces...and install CATS as Gods/Goddesses! Then and only then address the zombie problem...with hungry PITBULLS... ;)

This is always a fun conversation, that almost every one i have ever met has already spent hours coming up with a excellent survival plan for Z-Day

Trasport: Long wheel base transit van or Half size bus 16 seater...
has to be heavy enough not to be tipped but have enough HP to plough through hordes of zombies.

I do know there is an army barracks near me that have 4 APC's on site, but thats a long shot :P

Every geek should know that zombies are attracket to sound, so hand to hand weapons would be first port of call... I already have a collection of swords, but camping and DIY store would be awesome for this, Axe's etc...

But also ranged weapons are still a good bett, Which is why i have scoped out all the local clay pidgeon ranges and the gun shops in manchester :D Again a 12 Guage would be best, but find magnum rounds 3x more powerfull.

Where to Hold up:
For the first few months i would stay on the road. But after it starts to get quiet it would be time to hold up.

As far as i can work out you would be best to stay some where right on the edge of a city / town, not to far out to the point where you are completely cut off, and if you are in a city there would be no way out. but just close enough to get what you need and also have the chance to bail should you need to.

Anyway, lets hear'em :D
Get a loudspeaker system and run "Thriller" 24/7....and become the Pied Piper for the dead. And if that doesn't work, relocate next to a National Guard armory.

I always hedge my bets. :P
I have spent the last several years building a. I built an immunity to iocane powder, and zombie Pathagens. The zombies are relatively easy to take down as they possess a soft spot above the occipital lobe. The problem lies in the fact that the zombies bite the vampires and werewolf s amd next thing you know ther is a crazy and indestructible gang of half werewolf ,1/2 vampire ,AND 1/2 zombie - you do the math. Its not pretty. I say we all get in the hummer and drive to bill Murray's house.
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