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When were your traits most severe


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I'm interested to hear if anyone else has noticed the same sorts of things about their Aspie/HFA traits as I have. No need to read the rest of the post in any depth, what I am basically asking is whether you have noticed any of your Aspie/HFA traits fading, when they faded, and when your Aspie traits were at their peak???

As a kid I spoke and walked significantly late. I went through phases of hand-flapping and of rolling my eyeballs compulsively, but those were mostly gone by the time I was a teenager, as I was constantly being picked up on it and told to stop by my parents and teachers. So there are a couple of HFA traits that were gone by the time I was about 13. I kept up the eye stimming though, because it was less noticeable and people assumed it was squinting related to being short sighted.

But most of my traits were at their peak when I was in my mid to late teens. Sensory issues like sensitivity to noise (particularly when trying to sleep) and smell (I found that tropical fruits like papaya and mango, and also coffee, were totally repugnant and even the slightest whiff made me feel physically ill). I completely lost the sensitivity to those smells by the time I was in my early 20s. I still find noises distracting but generally my sensitivity to noises and my related sleep issues became a lot less severe around the same time.

My gross motor skills when I was in high school were abysmal. I worked really hard on my physical fitness and I was very strong. I practiced basketball for hours every week, doing endless drills by myself, but was always outplayed by guys who were a foot shorter than me and who never practiced. I got roped into playing in a basketball comp about 10 years after high school and I still sucked, but I was at least useful and about 10 times better than I was in high school, and I could even jump higher even though by that stage I was fat and out of shape. So I guess that the dyspraxia had faded somewhat. Not that you could tell if you watched me try to dance or ice skate.

My ability to memorise slabs of text, poems, formulas etc was at its peak in my late teens as well, as was my ability to do really fast/complex mental arithmetic. I can still memorise stuff and do mental arithmetic, but not nearly as effortlessly as I could when I was that age.

Improvements in my social skills have been more gradual, more in line with learning them as I went along rather than having a trait suddenly fade out of existence. My social skills are not as bad as they were but still lousy, although my confidence is better and I don't care as much any more.

I got depressed a lot as a child and as a teenager and I think I went through a phase where I was borderline bipolar (feeling of unexplained euphoria between bouts of depression), although that may have been all the adolescent hormones swishing around in my system. I get down a bit at times still but I wouldn't even call it depression for the most part.

My non-existent sense of direction still doesn't exist, but now I am in the habit of making strong mental notes of landmarks when I need to remember how to find something or how to get somewhere or (more importantly) how to get home again when I go for a walk or something. So at least I am not getting lost as much. I know that this is not a typical trait but I do know that some other HFA/Aspie types have similar issues.
In terms of severity, I'm not entirely sure. But when I noticed them most (in hindsight), it would have to be when I started secondary school - The first real experience of being into an environment composed entirely of people I don't really know. Mayhem.
Chris - correct me if I am wrong - but I get the impression that you have mild Aspergers, which I have heard described as "social dyslexia". I'm not saying that that makes it any easier to deal with. But I've never heard you describe any issues beyond being withdrawn/shy and not so good around people. Since you are still so young I don't expect that you've noticed any improvement yet. But keep an eye out for those small milestones. You should see a gradual improvement over the course of your adult life.
I'll write-up my life story if that would help. :P

A lot of people seem to misunderstand. Just because I was shy or quiet does not mean I was 'happy'. There were a lot of things that bother me and still do, it's just nobody gets to see it.
I am not sure if I have an obsession right now, which has never happened before. I think I have gotten more and more socially awkward the older I get.
Hmm. Mine have been getting gradually worse. I'll go through a phase sometimes when I seem to be more okay and then it all breaks down again and I'll just be a complete mess and want to be asleep all the time.
Hmm. Mine have been getting gradually worse. I'll go through a phase sometimes when I seem to be more okay and then it all breaks down again and I'll just be a complete mess and want to be asleep all the time.

I know that feeling (wanting to sleep all the time). But recently my anger issues have been getting much worse as well. Not good (N)
I know that feeling (wanting to sleep all the time). But recently my anger issues have been getting much worse as well. Not good (N)
I've been getting along more angry and aggressive. I'm afraid I'm going to end up hurting someone physically sooner or later.
I've been getting along more angry and aggressive. I'm afraid I'm going to end up hurting someone physically sooner or later.

Me too. Of course, I already have nearly hurt some people (including strangling my BEST FRIEND of the time), but mostly only take it out on objects. It's getting much worse though. Haha. I was reading this book earlier for parents with children with AS and autism. It said to tell them that they're "acting like a little boy/girl" to try and calm us down when angry. Haha. Is it me or would that just make everything 10x worse ? XD
Nah. I'd only take it out on people who deserved it.
TBH, any violent act I've ever done has been premeditated.
I'm ****ed up that way :).
"It said to tell them that they're "acting like a little boy/girl" to try and calm us down when angry. Haha. Is it me or would that just make everything 10x worse ? XD"

Try 100x. I'd freak. XD
Nah. I'd only take it out on people who deserved it.
TBH, any violent act I've ever done has been premeditated.
I'm ****ed up that way :).

Hehe. Well. I keep hating blaming stuff on the AS, but it's known that agression towards other people CAN be a symptom, even if they don't really deserve it. It's the same with my sister's best freind's son...he has AS and he attacks his brothers and sister and other people but he really cant help it.

My "weirdness" has faded and my friends think that I am pretty much normal. I see what you mean about this peak. I was pretty aspergic in the fifth grade through high school. In fifth grade I cried about something almost every single day. And in the years before that I spent my time on the playground all alone and nit interested in other kids. I grew out of that by the fifth grade. I continued crying until the eighth grade unless something really, really bad happened. I had always gotten obsessed with little projects and what-have-you and still do. I'm sure that i have lot more traits than that but that is what comes to my mind.
my symtoms were very severe when I was a child, friendship was non existent for me,not sure exactly what I did

but I was definatley out of step with my peers,now I am in my 50's and I don't have the problems I used to have,

not that they have gone away completely by any means.
Do you have friends now or is there just less pressure to have friends at your age? Maybe that's a silly question, but my parents don't have any friends outside the family so I wasn't sure... I am very curious about how I'll end up. My mom is afraid that when I move away when I finish college I'll be alone all the time because I won't make any friends.
A lot of people seem to misunderstand. Just because I was shy or quiet does not mean I was 'happy'. There were a lot of things that bother me and still do, it's just nobody gets to see it.

It is the social dyslexia that is the hardest/worst part of the condition. So having people say that you "only" have mild Aspergers means they may be assuming that it hasn't affected you much. When in fact you still get the worst of it whether you are a mild case or a severe case.

And being shy, quiet, withdrawn doesn't mean that you simply want to be that way. I think I know what you mean.
I hate that people think being quiet always means you're shy. I'm not shy at all, I just don't know how to keep a conversation going with someone I don't know very well.
Do you have friends now or is there just less pressure to have friends at your age? Maybe that's a silly question, but my parents don't have any friends outside the family so I wasn't sure... I am very curious about how I'll end up. My mom is afraid that when I move away when I finish college I'll be alone all the time because I won't make any friends.

I find that it is a lot easier to make friends now. I'm sure that I still come across as being a bit odd though. I don't have a lot of friends but yes, it is easier to get along with people as you get older.

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