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When you talk to someone you don't know


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Like when you have to call to schedule an appointment or whatever. I'm not really sure how to describe or explain, except it doesn't feel like I'm a person talking to another person. It feels more like robot to robot or something along that line. I used to have a friend that talked to everyone like they were good friends, I've heard her call information and talk to the person for 10 minutes. I always try to remind myself that I'm talking to a person but it still doesn't feel like it. Does anyone else do this and what is it?
I guess when I was a kid I felt like that. Now it registers more that I'm talking to an actual person.

I think in my case the issue is just not being able to see a person's facial expressions and body language when I'm calling them. Even though I'm bad at deciphering those things it's still really weird when I can't see them at all.
I used to joke that everyone else is AI. I definitely know what you mean! I can't help with what it is though. Maybe a Theory of Mind issue?
Yes, not helped by the fact that people in call centres are often following a script from which they can't/won't deviate and no matter how often you explain your problem, they keep giving you the same spiel. It can indeed create a feeling of disassociation.

These days, most often, when you call public services, you really are talking to robot! It's possible to make an appointment with the hospital without speaking to a person at all, which is why I never book my appointments there by phone, always online.
Yes, not helped by the fact that people in call centres are often following a script from which they can't/won't deviate and no matter how often you explain your problem, they keep giving you the same spiel. It can indeed create a feeling of disassociation.

These days, most often, when you call public services, you really are talking to robot! It's possible to make an appointment with the hospital without speaking to a person at all, which is why I never book my appointments there by phone, always online.
I actually prefer talking to the robots. :) I also do whatever I can on line, and not over the phone. One of the reasons I had kind of forgotten about doing this. I did it more before computers and cell phones and call waiting or these other inventions. And kind of like calling into work sick - I had to know exactly what I would be saying and it didn't feel person to person, even though I knew it was my boss I'd be talking to.
Like when you have to call to schedule an appointment or whatever. I'm not really sure how to describe or explain, except it doesn't feel like I'm a person talking to another person. It feels more like robot to robot or something along that line. I used to have a friend that talked to everyone like they were good friends, I've heard her call information and talk to the person for 10 minutes. I always try to remind myself that I'm talking to a person but it still doesn't feel like it. Does anyone else do this and what is it?
It depends on what I'm talking about, if it's the government or someone I've heard of that doesn't have a good reputation that changes it, I only kept talking to people I didn't know, because someone had been friendly to me, if they hadn't I would be nearly nonverbal now, when you have no support whatsoever it changes your options.

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