I am a rare Autist who needs structure!
I guarantee you, all of the things like books and online tutorials all have plenty of structure. You cant really teach anything without it, after all. Without structure, any sort of teaching just turns into some guy rambling about who knows what.
Honestly you're likely to have waaaayyyyyyy more success (and FASTER success) by not doing a traditional college course here. Colleges aren't that interested in making sure you actually get good at these sorts of things: They're interested in A: your money, and B: your test results (factors into their reputation). I say this as someone who spent 3 years in college for a (totally freaking useless) computer science degree. Got the degree, but frankly, didn't learn much. College classes are VERY unfocused, and with programming, you kinda have to be a bit focused if you want to REALLY get anywhere. You can also learn much, MUCH faster by not doing a class. Again, colleges want your money, and they don't get as much of it if they teach in a truly concise and well-paced manner, so things get stretched out a lot. Which is something I really wish I'd known before going to college myself.
But also, you need to have room to experiment and try the things you learn (seriously, that's really important for programming), and college courses rarely offer that, since they'll fill your time with assignments and things that rarely offer much room to be creative. Structure is great and all, but TOO MUCH structure will just make sure that your learning is full of holes, and you wont realize this until it's too late.
Seriously though, if you need structure, most forms of learning for this sort of thing will have plenty, if they're not made by a total moron. Python is a fairly popular language (so I'm told, anyway... it's one I intend to learn, but you know... laziness) so there's plenty of material out there on it.
As for "study buddy", most of these sorts of things will have at least forums or chat areas online where you can talk to and meet others who are using the same thing to learn, whether its' a book or a series of video tutorials or whatever, it's never hard to find people that you can talk to when you have questions.