For me it is the sense of hearing. Back before I was aware I had ASD, I did not realize that I had sensitive hearing. I mean, it is difficult to know you have a more sensitive sense than others b/c you don't really know how they are taking in information and experiencing things. You kind of just assume everyone experiences sensations in the same manner that you do. I recall that I didn't even like eating an apple in an office setting for lunch, because I thought the chewing was too loud that I would be annoying others. It seems like the sound was just too loud for myself. I recall being able to hear conversations my mom was having with my brother even when I was on another floor in my bed. A few times when I said something about the overheard conversation, my mom would be confused as to how I heard them.
I am easily overwhelmed by sound and this is the root cause of so many of my problems. I don't have a breakdown from experiencing too much noise, but after a sustained period of noise without much rest, I can't seem to think clearly. I can't hear myself think and can't make coherent thoughts. It is if my brain is short circuiting. The problem is not my ears, but the processing of sounds. I need a lot of quiet times built into my schedule to function optimally. Hearing words spoke to me is often not processed into anything meaningful. Sometimes, they may as well be animal noises. When I am overwhelmed by noise, I lose my opinions, thoughts, feelings, and desires. I'm just existing. My personality disappears so it looks like I don't have one to others. Unfortunately, humans communicate primarily through the sense of sound.
I am easily overwhelmed by sound and this is the root cause of so many of my problems. I don't have a breakdown from experiencing too much noise, but after a sustained period of noise without much rest, I can't seem to think clearly. I can't hear myself think and can't make coherent thoughts. It is if my brain is short circuiting. The problem is not my ears, but the processing of sounds. I need a lot of quiet times built into my schedule to function optimally. Hearing words spoke to me is often not processed into anything meaningful. Sometimes, they may as well be animal noises. When I am overwhelmed by noise, I lose my opinions, thoughts, feelings, and desires. I'm just existing. My personality disappears so it looks like I don't have one to others. Unfortunately, humans communicate primarily through the sense of sound.