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Who wants to write a book this March?


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V.I.P Member
I used to be a part of a few online groups who would do something called February Album-Writing Month. Basically what that would entail is spending the whole month creating an album, not necessarily to release it to the world immediately thereafter (even though that's certainly an option), but to either keep around as the basis for something serious in the future or inspiration for another project.

Well, I had an idea - March Book-Writing Month!

I know there are a lot of people out there who have words inside of them and have been dying to get them out, even if only a few people read the finished product (I'm definitely one of them!). So, I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in this idea of churning out their first or next book over the course of the following month.

If anyone else wants to do the same, this thread can also serve as our MBWM community for inspiration, support, and documentation of the process. You never know what a little bit of inspiration and community support can do for you until you give it a try!
Don't think I have the time to write a book--I'd be happy if I manage to pass my college classes, which is looking doubtful--but I am scratching around on something anyway.
I've long wanted to redo Vanishing Point (1971 film) but it's the Goonies. Probably be a pulp or graphic novel.


I will write Mommie Dearest Part II - Joan Crawford has nothing on this mommie.
Username confirmed.

I've never been able to shake the image of Faye Dunaway standing at the top of those stairs after she got that first baby. That scene needs a soundtrack by Dethklok.
There was an old game many years ago where someone would start telling a story, then they’d stop and it was the next person’s turn to invent a bit more of the story. I read a wonderful series of books that were created in this fashion, initiated by George RR Martin and including many other popular authors.

It’s called the Wild Cards series. It starts to get a bit stale after the first dozen or so books but I really enjoyed it.

I would be so into this!
I just finished my second novel in December. I've been in such a rut since then. This might energize me!
NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is supposed to be every November but I do not really follow that. One, November is always a busy month. Two, it gets a little bit pretentious/snobby on the NaNoWriMo side of the Internet.
I used to write but I don’t really have it in me anymore :( I’m too busy and I’ve had writer’s block consistently for the past few years.
I used to be a part of a few online groups who would do something called February Album-Writing Month. Basically what that would entail is spending the whole month creating an album, not necessarily to release it to the world immediately thereafter (even though that's certainly an option), but to either keep around as the basis for something serious in the future or inspiration for another project.

Well, I had an idea - March Book-Writing Month!

I know there are a lot of people out there who have words inside of them and have been dying to get them out, even if only a few people read the finished product (I'm definitely one of them!). So, I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in this idea of churning out their first or next book over the course of the following month.

If anyone else wants to do the same, this thread can also serve as our MBWM community for inspiration, support, and documentation of the process. You never know what a little bit of inspiration and community support can do for you until you give it a try!
I want to write a book too! My memoir is almost complete; I've written a lot of it, but I have no idea how to finish it...probably because I'm still processing and learning about myself.
I've done NaNoWriMo for more than a decade. I've also done NaPoWriMo...or as I call it, NaPoem, which is in April. 50,000 in thirty days or thirty poems in thirty days. I can tell you which one I consider tougher...and it might surprise folks.

50,000 in prose is not hard to do. Less than 15% of it is usually salvageable, but quantity, rather than quality is the order of the day. It is okay for a jump off for new projects, but if the work is something that matters, not the best way to go.

30 decent quality poems in 30 days...seems easy right? That's what people think until they try to do it. Miss one day, no big deal...miss two...and things can get tight.

These are the challenges that can strip the creative gears of many writers, simply because it is an all or nothing run. Look at it as the last two and a half miles of an ultramarathon...when all the mental and creative muscles are screaming from oxygen deficits, a whole different gear switches on.

It is the equivalent of the 'runner's high'. Basically one triggers a major endorphin release by way of mental or physical stress points. Outside of chemically induced (drug) highs, these endorphin flights are nearly impossible to trip in a balanced brain.

If depression is present, probability of having a reachable trigger point goal is unlikely, too much deficit to balance and trigger. Bipolar, hazardous because these trigger points trace the line of mania (manic episodes). No control...and that is not a safe place to be.

Endurance athletes and hardcore creatives develop the skills needed to trigger and control these quantum trips because without control, burn out is the guaranteed outcome.

I'm not trying to rain on any parades, but I weigh in at juggernaut class in the realms of writing, with personal standards that are obnoxiously exacting. My piece doesn't meet those goals, my piece doesn't count, despite what others think. It is all or nothing scorched earth policy. I tend to push the limits just to see how far I can go. (Stupid and self-sabotaging, but it is the only way, I've ever known how to harness a peaks and valleys skill set profile.)

And knowing where my standards rest and where others start, I've seen some very consistent work, but I've also seen too many stall out, scorch, and burns. Things like this are great motivators, but they are not without their pitfalls.

An awesome tool for building backstock foundations and future leap points, it is hyperfocus on an extreme level, it will pull spoons from any and all sources it can. And if writing is a special interest, be aware, deep diving can become an issue and a meltdown trigger.

Most folks have a more balanced approach, (causal) interest in these types of things. It isn't tantamount to finals week or the presentation of dissertation of self imposed pressure. It is an internal deadline, but it is still a line in the sand daring me to reach it in time...
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I'm working on a few novels at the moment, though one is still in the research phase.

I'm also working on two books of poetry. One in the form of a series of poems which tell a story and another a collection of haikus. Maybe I'll work on those.

I've got a lot of projects in various media I am trying to juggle as well as work, college, and my family so I have a lot of partially done stuff.
I'm working on a few novels at the moment, though one is still in the research phase.

I'm also working on two books of poetry. One in the form of a series of poems which tell a story and another a collection of haikus. Maybe I'll work on those.

I've got a lot of projects in various media I am trying to juggle as well as work, college, and my family so I have a lot of partially done stuff.
you....are me. I have LOTS of partially done stuff! The ideas come so fast and if I don't stop one thing and write down an outline for the next, I forget.
you....are me. I have LOTS of partially done stuff! The ideas come so fast and if I don't stop one thing and write down an outline for the next, I forget.
I published a book last year but I originally intended to write something different. I fleshed out my original idea for a college project and was set on writing it but the story I published took all of my attention.

Now I've revisited my original idea and started writing 4 other things lol. I'm hoping to at least finish one of them soon.

That and my many other non-writing projects as well.
I used to be a part of a few online groups who would do something called February Album-Writing Month. Basically what that would entail is spending the whole month creating an album, not necessarily to release it to the world immediately thereafter (even though that's certainly an option), but to either keep around as the basis for something serious in the future or inspiration for another project.

Well, I had an idea - March Book-Writing Month!

I know there are a lot of people out there who have words inside of them and have been dying to get them out, even if only a few people read the finished product (I'm definitely one of them!). So, I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in this idea of churning out their first or next book over the course of the following month.

If anyone else wants to do the same, this thread can also serve as our MBWM community for inspiration, support, and documentation of the process. You never know what a little bit of inspiration and community support can do for you until you give it a try!
Hey, I've literally wanted to write something for the past few years. Words fail m,y mouth but not my pen. I wrote something a while ago as I'm only in the process of getting diagnosed, on the back of cancer recovery and passing 1st year in college. All in a days work.
I published a book last year but I originally intended to write something different. I fleshed out my original idea for a college project and was set on writing it but the story I published took all of my attention.

Now I've revisited my original idea and started writing 4 other things lol. I'm hoping to at least finish one of them soon.

That and my many other non-writing projects as well.
Did you self-publish? Do you have any tips?

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