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Whodunnit Type Mysteries

Andy R

Well-Known Member
Anyone else solve these early in the film or programme?

It's got to the stage where I am sworn to silence or my wife won't watch them with me. I am so bursting to say who it was, why and how I have to write it down and reveal it at the end. Trouble is it neither surprises or impresses her anymore...
Anyone else solve these early in the film or programme?

It's got to the stage where I am sworn to silence or my wife won't watch them with me. I am so bursting to say who it was, why and how I have to write it down and reveal it at the end. Trouble is it neither surprises or impresses her anymore...
You need to find a new audience to impress. You have an area of expertise, your wife knows, ho hum, now you have to let her enjoy the unveiling of the truth at the end of the program. Challenge someone else to watch with you and have a contest predicting the conclusion.
Oh yeh as soon as they appear on screen or are mentioned and I'm rarely wrong. Thankfully my mum loves that I can do this but my dad wants to kill me when I do - but more because he likes his 10+ stupid guesses and once everyone has been suspected he can say he was right since he assumed it was everybody.

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