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Why am I being refused diagnosis?


Active Member
Ok I posted on here before, I was so excited and looking forward to getting a diagnosis on the 18th August. I decided to go private and found someone qualified to diagnose me via the ADOS assessment. First he sent me some screening tests and I filled them in and sent them back along with photo's of me as a child and he seemed very happy to proceed and everything was going well for my appointment on the 18th August and then all of a sudden everything changed.

A few days before I was due for my assessment I had an e-mail off Frank the psychologist telling me to phone him urgently and as soon as I possibly could. So I called him and he said as some cousin of my mother had been in touch and he wanted to cancel my appointment and believed that he must see my mother first, apparently he was unsure if she was going he said so he wanted to get this out of the way first, he even offered to refund my money. My partner contacted my mother and she said apparently David my step father had called the Psychologist pretending to be a cousin and that she was going so my partner called him Frank the Psychologist but he said the guy was very off with him saying he wanted no trouble but he re-booked me in for the 3rd September.

So anyway the 21st came and he questioned my mother and step father, after this I had no message off the Psychologist so in the end I sent him an e-mail and he wrote back saying he was refunding all my money and after speaking to my mother and step father did not think I met the criteria for a diagnosis.

My partner spoke to him tonight and he said he is refunding the money and my partner said he's never heard anything so strange, he couldn't get a word in edgeways, the psychologist was very rude and even hung up on him.

Some back ground information.

The psychologist said he must build up a photo of my early years, since my grandparents who would of been best are dead and my father left when I was 3 then I had to get my mother involved.

I have not spoken to my mother since 2011 because I was abused in my own home. One day her and my step dad came off holiday and all I said was can I wash my uniform please? Since I was starting work at 5am next day and she was trying to wash clothing that she would not wear for days I saw it more important to do mine. Then she went mental, my mother has a terrible temper and even has temper tantrums, she is mentally ill. She told me she wished she'd never had me and hated me and starting throwing my things out of the door onto the street. Because of the hurtful things she said I started humming to block out the noise. Then she came back and said sorry but I just ignored her and then she pushed me out of bed and started dragging me by my ankles which hurt like hell and I hit my head hard and then she tried to push my down stairs until my step dad intrupted.

After this she told me she was phoning the mental hospital so instead I phoned the doctor who told me to call the police which I did, a police lady came and listened to what they said. She told me she could tell it was a very bad home for me, that she should really arrest and charge my mother and told them that despite whatever issues they thought there was it was classed as common assault. And that she would have a police record as a result, as far as I am aware she recieved a formal warning.

My ex partner and other people have commented that my step father says horrible things about me and is always running me down.

My mother is a total liar, my dad says it's like she tells you one thing and will tell the other person something totally different and she will **** on you. She also told my partner that she had seen fairies in the garden.

The psychologist says I do not meet the criteria without seeing me in person only exchanging messages via e-mail and 2 brief phone conversations so says I do not meet the developmental criteria which is based on what they have said.

Frank seemed happy to diagnose me before but now after wasting his time is offering to refund me in full, I did not tell him what happened with my mother, I was about too but he said he was in a rush but apparently I do know that he was given a different story.

He will not even speak to us, he will give no examples, just hung up the minute Jonathan managed to say something and asked him then why I have so many of the traits? He was not willing to be helpful at all or answer anything and it is very odd!
Maybe I missed this, but...My first thought is...does your psychologist actually know of your poor relationship to your mother and step-father? Any competent professional, upon knowing that, would know that their input would be useless data points. Or does he believe that already and think that he can't give a legitimate diagnosis because of it? Then again, if that were the case, I can't imagine why he would refuse to see you in person.

I smell a rat here somewhere (don't worry, it's not you ;) )...
Sounds like you might need to get a second opinion, although that might be costly if your not on some sort of medicare or social security income :/

Both my mother and Aunt had lied to me over the years and I still feel used because I seemed like some sort of cash cow to her, whom she pushed off to her sister after I turned eighteen ...
I did not have much of a chance, I told him that I had not seen my mother since 2011 because of a family fued, I was about to tell him on the phone but the words of what I wanted to say would not come out and he said he was busy as had someone with him and my partner said not to write too much in e-mail because it would put him off. He's even got photo's of me as a kid and my partner said he was so rude and unhelpful that he would even be tempted to report the guy. He asked him one question about why is it that I had so many traits and then the guy cut him off and there was nothing wrong with the line.

My mother lies and he probably heard a very different story but what I say is the truth and if necessary I am thinking that maybe I should obtain the police report as it is all on file that my version of truth is the right version, my mother lied to my dad saying I was making a funny noise and she was just trying to get me to hospital as apparently thought I was in a coma, that is what my dad heard. And she has attacked me in my home before telling people that I attacked her instead and she even tells people that my dad was an abusive husband and beat her up. I mentioned to the psychologist that my mother claimed my dad hit her, I was planning to explain the way she is when I met him in person and could speak one to one but never had the chance.
This Doctor, or whatever, sounds like a quack. I would take the full refund that you deserve and look for someone more credible.
Your home does not sound like a healthy one, and it does not sound logical to use your mother as a source of information.
Hopefully you can move out and find a real doctor.
I do not live there anymore I have not seen her since 2011 or that is not actually true, she attended a funeral but when the coffin was going down I stood as far away as I could and then went.

How can a psychologist say I do not meet the criteria when he's never seen me and lots of people that know me think and believe that I have it? And giving a full refund after wasting so much of his time like this?

And how can I get an ADOS assessment then without anyone to say what I was like as a child? Some of what she says will be true like what age I met my milestones but then she cannot remember them all and my partner spoke to her she said she couldn't remember what age I started making noises which for her could as well mean I didn't, my nan said I was very quiet not like my brother. But then my mother is no good when it comes to stories because she imagines things, my partner says she sometimes cannot tell the difference between dreams and reality like she will dream something then wake up and think parts of the dream are real.

I wish I knew what was wrong with my mother also? She is clearly mental
I do not know where you live, but my doctors have never required my family member to be interviewed for purposes of diagnosis. Sounds pretty weird to me... I would definitely seek a second opinion.

P.S. It took the system 45 years and about 15 psychologists to finally deliver me one that actually took the time to figure out what was up with me. Keep shopping around for competent (and interested) psychologists... and you will find one.
Hi Thank you for all the comments I really needed that. Thank you to Peace I took your advice and found someone more credible. I was speaking to a nice lady today that was a Psychologist who deals with diagnosing people for ASD, she is having a baby though so will be on maternity leave soon. She was keen to get me in to do assessments and said it sounded like there is a reasonable chance I may have it but she can't say after speaking to me for an hour and if they thought it was a waste of time then they would not want me to go back.
Psychology is like every profession in that it has some people who are incompetent. You dealt with a bad psychologist, consider yourself lucky to get a refund - even if you didn't get your money back things could have been a lot worse than they were.

While it is generally beneficial to have input from parents it's not absolutely required. Just tell future psychologists that your father left and your mother was abusive.

Do you have a sibling, cousin, or childhood friend who could provide information about when you were young?
Hi thanks for that, I don't think they like to diagnose people when they have had a bad childhood cause the bad experiences can cause people to behave differently.

Unfortunately no, I have a brother who lives with my mum but he's got learning difficulties and no cousins either but will see how things go with this new psychologist, there is a few of them working for the same company in the same building.
there is a few of them working for the same company in the same building.

That is very convenient, actually. Different psychs have different methods and personalities, and if they happen to be in the same building, that saves you the issue of insurance and having to do in-take all over again. Good luck!
Psychologists have various ideas about how to run an assessment. Part of it is due to the reason for it. If they are assessing a child then the aim will be to develop suitable education plans and get disability funding from the government. That means they want to avoid giving a false diagnosis that could be seen as medical fraud and also they want to do what is best for the child (one pediatrician told me that he would refer a child for assessment even if they didn't quite meet the criteria if it would be best for them).

If they are assessing an adult it won't be an issue of government funding, it will be about helping them deal with psychological issues related to being different and maybe about employment discrimination law. For dealing with psychological issues it doesn't matter much to what extent your differences are due to nature or nurture, they can just diagnose you according to the way you think and then help you deal with it. For employment discrimination it doesn't matter what you were like as a child, if you are different from other people in ways you can't control which don't affect your ability to do the job then you shouldn't be fired.

Also I think adults should be shown some respect in the assessment process. If you say that you are different from other people in certain ways and have been so since you were young they should just believe you. If they refuse to believe you without support from others then they aren't treating you as an adult.

Finally you need to consider why you need an assessment. If it's not for a disability pension or employment law then do you really need it? If you need to see a psychologist for other reasons (eg depression) then sometimes they will want you to be assessed first, but some psychologists are prepared to give counselling without an assessment or with just a check-list (like one of the online Aspie tests) to give them a rough idea.

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