As someone who did a fair share, I find it a no-brainer to reply here :lol:
Though, I must say, I never got addicted. I had quite some illegal substances around (just for me or friends, nothing like dealing or anything), and I could leave it untouched for weeks, months... (I don't say years, because, seriously, what's the use of having something around and not using it. I don't buy a bottle of soda to not consume it.). I used to do speed sometimes, did coke once... smoked some pot years ago, but that didn't interested me a bit. I hated being "slow" and "relaxed"... so yeah, the uppers did a lot more for me. I didn't use those drugs to boost confidence, I didn't use them out of sheer boredom, and I didn't use them because I was depressed. Though, I think it's safe to say, a friend of mine used it moreso because he got rather depressed.
So, why did I use it? I once did it because my back was killing me and I couldn't sleep or lie down. Walking did improve it a bit. So I took enough hits to stay up for 5 days straight. My backache was gone though. I looked for "advice" and that was pretty much "well, it should wear of in a few days". But with someone who likes to get his days "going" and not being in pain, I found it quite good. While I was on a high, I did the same stuff I used to, except more "intense" for lack of a better word. When I was at University, I did it sometimes, and studied 10+ hours straight for my exam, which I passed. Other times, my friend and I did it, and we just sat down, and had a conversation for 18 hours... without having a dull moment in between. I used to play videogames on drugs... so actually, why I did so? Because I thought, and still think, 24 hours a day is not enough. Even without drugs, I refrain from sleeping a lot (and sometimes I just don't sleep) because I have stuff to do... and I don't even have a job >.< so in a way, you're right with "I'm not satisfied with my life"... but with drugs I tend to expand that satisfaction unto a metaphysical realm. Also, senses are mostly more sensitive on drugs... I had the most awesome experiences with headphones on, a blindfold, drugs and music... that was pretty nice actually. Not to mention the entire deal that even stuff like tastebuds in your mouth are more sensitive and you have a broader scale of "taste". I can understand that people think this stuff is "bad"... and even more so if it's chemical and the entire discussion of "your body isn't supposed to be tested that way"... I usually oppose them with the entire "says who?" question. I for one enjoy extremes... though living with constant extremes dulls them down, so even I can say "usage if fine... until the drugs use you".
I should mention however, that even my closest friends back then did not have a clue whether I was high on speed or sober, because apparently my behaviour doesn't change that much. I got "complimented" some times, that when I was on drugs, that I actually acted more "human".
So, that's my experience a bit... now on to the program you're talking about, legalisation, and the comparison between the US and the Netherlands, and also... the entire human vs. addiction.
I think, legalisation would solve;
a. a lot of crime in regards to selling narcotics.
b. makes up for less "bad" drugs on the market, thus less people end up being hospitalized because of polluted drugs.
c. could be taxable, thus it even makes money.
d. would be more accepted, because it doesn't have the stigma of "illegal".
Against it would be;
a. there will probably be something else to be obtained "illegal"... perhaps a more potent drug, or just something totally different.
b. people could and would use it whenever they saw fit (more on that later)
c. people would be clearly against it, as means of "it's bad. period". But that's the same opposition alcohol has/gets, or smoking, or meat, or abortion, or...
If it would work for US people, as for Dutchies... I don't know. I think it's ridiculous to have some kind of witchhunt for someone who owns or smokes pot.
How are US vs. Dutch people different? Mentality?
As for addictions; that's the big problem here, I guess. Substance (ab)use, should have it's limits, to the extent that just like with alcohol people shouldn't drink past their own threshold. That might go wrong one time, but I think people are awfully thickheaded, stupid, ignorant... or just in a totally wrong societal/personal situation, where abuse is the answer. Rather then sending them to rehab, you're better off solving those problems. I mean... rehab is actually, just taking the problem here, and dropping it there. The problem still exists, and people will fall back into old habits if they can. I think, people who clean up after addictions, are the ones that did it out of boredom, and not those out of "problems".
I don't think, that the argument of DUI is valid here. People irresponsible enough to drive drunk, or under influence of drugs even, be it legal, or illegal, happens now, and I don't think it would happen any less. More... I don't know; I am inclined to say more though, because it would be available to everyone... but seriously, if someone really wanted to do drugs, one could obtain them.
A thing however, which is in against my own "legalisation" stance is; a drugrush doesn't always stop when you want to. If I have a job, come home at 6 and snort, swallow, smoke something... depending on the drug, I still might be kind trippy the next morning (even without sleep sometimes). That doesn't make up for good employees. But on the other hand, I am inclined to say... so actually, they're telling me what not to do in my spare time? I never had the urge to go drinking the night before and got up at 5 for work, but apparently the daytime schedule doesn't work that well for people who enjoy certain things. I think I can think of some other stuff that would make my functioning (or that of a friend) the next day at office pretty difficult, and it doesn't include any substances... really, really rough sex is one... but yeah, just an example.
People get addicted, because apparently, if something is fun, you enjoy doing that a lot. One could wonder, that, if drugs gives 3/4 of the people who use it, the sensation of fun, as opposed to "reality", isn't there something awfully wrong with either "reality" or with "their perception"?
I never blame a drug for being addictive, I blame people for not knowing when it's enough. On my own experience I reflected that, it wasn't the substance itself, but the "extremely sensitive senses" that made me want to go again. My mind, not my body wanted to. I had a, what I'd like to call "matrix-moment" (from that movie; in reference to the deal with Agent smith & Cypher, where he's eating the steak), my steak apparently tastes way better, and my sex is way better, in regards of "sensation and feeling"... but I also realized, perhaps I should make my steak differently, or have sex a different way... spice up my life; after all, spice is the variation of life... it's not "drug is the variation of life".