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Why do some NT's think that very high functioning autistics cannot lead

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Ronald Zeeman

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Robert Oppenheimer and Elon Musk both on the spectrums absolutely incredible leaders like to lead other high functioning autistics. can only we see the potential
in other's like us. Why are NT's So blind .
It's sheer speculation that Oppenheimer was on the spectrum. Posthumous diagnoses are unreliable. Oppenheimer shared unusual traits consistent with many other "geniuses" who are/were not autistic. Not all "geniuses" are autistic, and having a high IQ is not exclusive to autistics.

The test of leadership is proven, consistence performance. I think that both NTs and NDs use the same criteria to evaluate "leadership."
Not all "geniuses" are autistic, and having a high IQ is not exclusive to autistics.
I hate when people think only autistics are intelligent and NTs are all stupid dimwits who are only interested in sitting around gossiping all their lives. It is the most stupidest stereotype I've ever heard.
NT's make assumptions, about us I was considered too quiet but if you know me you would quickly realize I was actually an extravert It took a general grove to realize that Oppenheimer could be a leader. I watched a U tube video on Elon and realized his way of thinking, when younger is very similar to mine compulsive reader very active mind jumping from one idea to another early success broke him loose so THE NT's could not ignore him or mold him
Well they always say it's an "autistic symptom" to take things at face value, even though it's actually a human symptom because most people only see what's on the outside of most disabled people.
But it makes me mad that normal human traits only get associated with autism.

It's why I hate being on the spectrum. The double standards are too much to bear.
What I call, "Military Prejudice".

An assumption that we are "lone wolves". So mentally and emotionally separated from others that we have no inane sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Making for a generalization that we inherently make poor leaders.

Though personally I see the same stigmatization that could potentially apply to our NT counterparts as well.
I blame ableism. People often believe all of the bad things the media says about autism in general with that it is such a horrible thing to live with being the most common misconception. I see comments on YouTube saying that parents are better off having kids without autism and that autistics can never function normally into society.
we rely too much on others defining who we are even if we are on the spectrum only a person with a PhD is assumed to be qualified to assess who we are and what we are capable of. I read Richard Feynman's auto biography
many years ago, believe me it takes one to know one he was one of us him thinking process was not alien or unusual what others thought was genius was pretty obvious, example his lock picking ability. Just a bright guy. I've watched his lectures he has my personality extraverted Aspie good teacher. One guy I mentored at my last position is now a manager. Most companies' leadership is based on the military foremen being the lowest officer. My last position due to my experience and education would have been equivalent to a warrant officer.
Robert Oppenheimer and Elon Musk both on the spectrums absolutely incredible leaders like to lead other high functioning autistics. can only we see the potential
in other's like us. Why are NT's So blind .
Context. Oppenheimer, Musk, Jobs were surrounded by scientific minds, where truth lies within mathematics and physics. Musk with Tesla and SpaceX, as examples.

Musk has a difficult time with speaking. Go to YouTube and listen to his conversational skills. He is incredibly thoughtful when asked difficult questions but has a difficult time getting his thoughts out effectively and stumbles over people when talking. I think he can get away with all of this because of what he has been able to accomplish as a scientific mind. He has power, authority, respect, credibility, and is surrounded by like-minded teams.

Conversely, had he been in any other field where he had to lead people in a people-oriented business, sales, marketing, social media etc. he would have a difficult time. Twitter/X is an example where he appears to have a limited understanding how people think, how people are manipulated into thinking, where is autistic mind is on public display, and where he is more likely to make those social-verbal mistakes. As much as Musk gets "raked over the coals" on a daily basis for disrupting trillion-dollar automotive, fossil-fuel, electrical utility, and aerospace industries, he gets the worst of it over what he is doing with Twitter/X, as most do not understand that he is systematically tearing it down to rebuild it into a totally different platform, it's a work in progress, and the financials are not there yet.

Communication skills and people skills are part of being a good leader of people. So many autistics are often relegated to being the "support staff", the educators, researchers, the resource people behind the scenes. I am not suggesting that autistics cannot be leaders, but we often have some disadvantages to be aware of and overcome.
I just invented a theory. Aspie's were the great military Captains and heros of yore.

It began when an Aspie joined or was conscripted into the army. Hating disorganization and desiring order they instinctively worked to make sure everyone had the same shiney helmet with the same color plume and lined up in neat ranks. I mean it really kept them up at night.

This of course is the love language of the bigwigs, the generals, and the Aspies quickly rose thru the ranks to command a company or regiment.

Now when they would line up for battle, the Aspie Captain would stand out in front, but hating crowds, would always try to put a little more space between themselves and their soldiers. But everytime the Captain moved forward the soldiers would follow in turn. The Aspie Captain would eventually start running away from his men and you can guess what happened. Yep, he would run right into another crowd.

This would make any Aspie Captain very peeved and he would start swinging his sword or bayonet around and everyone would marvel at these brave heros filled with the agressive spirit of lions.

The reason they are not remembered well in history is because they tended to have very short careers.

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