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I hope something good happens to you today
V.I.P Member
There are some deeply disturbed misogynists that pollute this forum weekly with their “woe is me” posts about how women are the problem.

It’s DISGUSTING and I do not see any rational reason the nastiness is just openly allowed. We have young members here, being exposed to folks with an openly aggressive stance towards women.

I believe catering to trash like misogynistic members here is and will be the downfall of fall of this site. I remember when this place was pleasant and friendly. It was called Aspie Central. The open acceptance of misogyny and perpetual negativity from some members is a sad thing. There are two members here that consistently whine and cry about how hard their life is, repeatedly bashing and blaming women for all their problems. Their faults and shortcomings have been pointed out over and over yet they are too blind and lack the intelligence to understand that THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. They have been allowed to make the same type of posts over and over. At least come up with some new material instead of repeating the same self pity posts over and over and over, then again a few dozen more times. We have bad apples here and continually allow them to pollute this place with their rotten sentiments.

We all have the choice to be the change we want to see in the world, or allow businesses as usual. I would recommend we stop allowing misogynistic threads, stop hate towards women, and stop allowing a mentally disturbed echo chamber for clueless incels.

Agreed - it's difficult to read their frequent posts, and deluge of negativity.

Mind you, I find that very few posts on this forum are uplifting these days. I understand that it's a safe space for many to vent, and share their struggles and issues; but I've found I took a step back as it's quite emotionally draining.

They'll continue with their victim mindset though - being angry and overgeneralizing, and any noteworthy advice given to them will be twisted into the victim mindset of feeling like they're being picked on for supposedly speaking the "truth."

No helping such people until they help themselves. Although I fear in this day and age, many people want the internet to serve as an echo chamber for their way of thinking - and anything or anyone who goes against their beliefs will be blocked out, or accused of being vindictive or wrong for daring to question their beliefs.

Sure, you might have years of bad experiences with people - but the one constant in all these interactions with people is the person themselves. Thus, if a myriad of different people are reacting to them in a certain way; that strongly indicates where the fault lies.

Of course, it's easier to blame other people, as it relinquishes a person of any responsiblity to look at themselves and change.

I agree you cannot help those who are not willing to help themselves, Being on the spectrum is difficult, In my case I had no idea, until married raised family. Life is a maze that can be transversed, I have seen many other's on the spectrum get through this maze, have to think outside the box.
I don't think i criticized much women so no problem for me, but anyway the word incel, is derogatory for men, by society standards a lot of autistics are incels, because they can't find relationships, you would call misogynistic calling autistic women femcel?
The world has changed in the last few years, just see population collapsing. Both sexes are at odds with each other.
menopause in the next 5 to 10 years should be a game changer.

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