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Why I feel down tonight (the non New Year's Eve)


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Most year's I would be anticipating the big party downtown, I love people watching and my photography on New Year's Eve, the energy of the crowd... I know I'm an oddball Aspie for even saying that

This year? Every major public holiday was cancelled (Covid!), most major events (ditto)

I reminisced over last year's New Year's Eve photos earlier today, it almost depressed me.

I know this all sounds so selfish when there were very real health effects and deaths this past year, economic effects which I'm in the middle of, it has now been almost one year since I was laid off, still looking for work in an almost nonexistent job market

Despite all of those real life issues, I missed all the fun of this past year, the events, the sense of celebration which was taken away, including tonight

We aren't in hard lockdown, so I might just wander downtown to perhaps capture (safely) random bits of New Year's Eve

Meantime feeling a little blue right now :confused:
I hope you do go out. Share with us what you see! I feel like a caged animal, too.
I was here earlier today, wandering around a giant ice-covered pond for an hour or so, rather peaceful...

Glenmore Dam 01.jpg
As I expected (as it should be) it was quiet downtown tonight, a few small groups of people taking photos against the Christmas lights... And this guy singing, his friend was video taping it... I only took 35 photos in total, that's not very many for me... @OkRad

New Years Eve 01.jpg
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