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Why is it that animated/movies affect me more than live action movies?


Well-Known Member
So I have always appreciated animated movies more than the live action movies
usually seen by many people and I don't like people who think it's just for kids because this is why the idiots at YouTube and Coppa thought it was a good idea to disable comments on any animated youtube videos which is extremely obnoxious especially when you used to look at the comments on some of these videos and now they are disabled.

I am a 19 year old Swedish aspie boy and I have always been much more emotionally affected by animated movies such as An american tail or Finding nemo than live action films such as Schindlers list which didn't even make me feel like crying at all and nor did I feel anything while watching.

And I have never cried while watching a movie animated or not although I have been close to doing so while watching An american tail especially during the scene with the song "somewhere out there" which broke my heart and I felt like crying my eyes out but I didn't.

Is it because aspies sometimes have trouble processing emotions or is this normal behaviour?.

I also must mention music is something that affects me a lot especially emotional music from animated movies such as Disney movie songs , I remember listening to the song from the movie monsters inc called "Boo has to go home" in my high school classroom and I felt like crying badly because it was such an emotional song but also because I started thinking about a hatchetfish I lost recently because it jumped out of my aquarium.

I can also relate more to animated movies because they can feel more believable and authentic than any live action movie could ever do because eventually you get used to human actors and subconsiously in your mind you realise it's not real.

But with good animated movies you get that much more immersed in things like the story along with the characters and you focus on those things so much you almost forget it's all animated and not real and it's that feeling of magic and realism I feel many live action movies lack.

Am I the only one who feels this way while watching movies ?
I think you said it quite real. You get use to knowing live action movie but good animation feels like a world on its own some times.
I find black and white movies very attention grabbing. I think the facial emotions are easier to pickup on and this helps me process all the feeling. Plus the actors would hold on to facial expressions longer. It maybe you can't discern people's emotions so you don't respond to movies.

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