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Windier than normal?


One eye permanently raised it seems...
Is it me or has it been windier than normal this spring? Over here in TX it definitely has been, what about where you reside? Curious if it's across the world or just local.

Our local weather gurus have confirmed it has been here. Which stinks. This is our ideal outdoor weather window (rather small) before it becomes the surface of the sun and I dislike wind. Not to mention we're in drought so all gardens and flowers are stunted or delayed. We're still over here raking up dead leaves (it's like we're living seasons in reverse) and brown grass when it's supposed to be peak green.

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Your particular area of the world gets an unusual weather pattern just like the very tip of s.w.england which can be sub tropical or temperate the period after the former,not many areas experience that my area is much like all of the temperate zone climate change has altered the weather by a certain perentage

That scene with the Jet engine was one of the funniest in any Jackass sketch I've seen:


We ended up with a patio paver propped in front of our storm door because of blustery weather. Wind caught it, and totalled the piston. Rue Dog loses half of his volume every time he goes outside. The wind just flattens his floof to him, but he loves to feel it blow.
Sure is windy here. Try going out on a bicycle up some of these hills when the wind is going sideways. Any more of this & I'm going to stick some sailboat parts on that thing & call it a motor-cycle.

I think it has something to do with the climate changing some, agreeing with @Streetwise and @NeonatalRRT on this one.
Colder than normal. We're supposed to have snow at the higher elevations tomorrow.

But then technically there's always a possibility of snow to the first week of May. o_O
Was thinking climate change too but always interesting to see people across the planet all experiencing the same thing at the same time.
Ron White on the topic of hurricane winds: "It's not THAT the wind is blowin',...it's WHAT the wind is blowin'. If you get hit with a Volvo,...it doesn't really matter how many sit ups you did that morning." :D

Ron White - Hurricane - YouTube
I grew up with hurricanes and it's actually hilarious how amped up people get when one is coming our way.

I recall during my last job, I had only started and two weeks in, a hurricane hit. The staff prepped our office and then we all headed down the street (including our CEO) for lunch and margaritas. A coworker decided to throw a hurricane party that night (it was to hit that night, a Cat 4 at the time). It was tempting but I'm glad I didn't go as I lived too far north. It ended up that the most damage in the city came from the winds and not the traditional floods and surge. Lost power for a couple weeks, debris and shattered windows all over downtown.

Fun stuff. :eek:

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