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With how many people do you live?

How many people do you live with?

  • 0

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 11 40.7%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • 7+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I suspect that quite a bit of us don't live with anyone else or a parent at most. But there are also married people with families.
I live with the most disturbed and screwed up person imaginable with a heart as dark as a black hole suffocating all light around it.

OK, I live with myself.
I suspect that quite a bit of us don't live with anyone else or a parent at most. But there are also married people with families.
I live alone now, but when I move to Chile, I'll be living at least with my aunt and two cousins, by dad probably be around often too. Lord-willing I'm hoping to meet with the woman I believe will be future wife soon, and we'll eventually be living with a lot of kids.
Zero. Which is just fine.
Mind, there are a number of critters here for good company.
Two dogs, two cats, two equines.
It's amazing to me the variety of minds among the animals, each species unique in culture.
I live with my mother, father, uncle and severe autistic sister.

I was hopping to be married after joining a new Church in 2019 before my Grandmother passes away in 2021 but that was a lost cause. Just read my post history I am not going to repeat myself.

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