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Women and girls with autism face double discrimination from a patriarchal society...


Well-Known Member
(Not written by me)

The idea that autism is simply an ‘extreme of the male brain’ has not only trapped generations of men in cliché, but has also prevented thousands of women from getting the support and understanding they need


As a woman who for years fought sexist attitudes, it has been hard to watch my daughter experience a double discrimination – being female and autistic, defined and skewered twice over by patriarchal premise Sophie Walker

For people with autism, trying to understand the rest of us can feel like travelling to another country – learning another language and navigating a new landscape while brandishing a passport that allows you access but not acceptance.

For women and girls with autism, it’s more like sneaking into the same country under cover of darkness, wearing a disguise during the daytime and hoping every moment that no one blows your cover.

My daughter has autism, she was diagnosed when she was eight. It took five years to get the diagnosis. At the time I thought it was because our local systems were underfunded and overloaded; teachers and health professionals too busy, undertrained and defensive. Now I think while all that was the case, a good part of the delay was because my child was not a boy.

It’s amazing that 30 years after its release, the film Rain Man still sets the bar for what we understand as autism: boys and men who are extremely good at maths and don’t understand other people.

It’s a picture based on the work of male scientists like Leo Kanner, who thought autism was a mother’s fault for failing to love her children enough; of Hans Asperger who thought no women and girls were affected by the syndrome he identified; shored up by the work of Simon Baron-Cohen, who theorised that male and female brains are fundamentally different – men are better at systematising, women at empathising – and therefore autism is “an extreme of the male brain”.

This template has not only trapped generations of men in cliché, but has also prevented thousands of women from getting the support and understanding they need because a male diagnostic gaze simply never sees them.

And while struggling to get by in a world that doesn’t see them, many women and girls with autism will mimic the expected behaviour of “neurotypical” women and girls, adopting social stereotypes to be quiet and biddable which create an unbearable mental strain. Many are subsequently diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses while their autism remains unseen. Forty years ago it was believed that the ratio of men with autism to women with autism was 15:1. In 2015, data from the National Autistic Society suggested it could be 3:1.

As a woman who myself for years fought sexist attitudes and was dismissed as “feisty”, who questioned lad culture and was called a prude, who objected to pink and diets and good behaviour and was driven to distraction by being repeatedly shut down by aggressive condescension, it has been hard to watch my daughter experience a double discrimination – being female and autistic, defined and skewered twice over by patriarchal premise.

As my daughter Grace, now 16, puts it: “When I was little I said I liked pink and princesses because girls around me said they did and I felt I had to because they did. But I felt uncomfortable on two counts – because I didn’t like it and I didn’t understand why I was supposed to.

“All girls are under immense pressure to fit in and be a certain way according to what they’re told being a girl means. It’s even worse for girls with autism because they’re also trying to fit in with what being a human means.”

Grace was lucky in one sense, in that in the end, her frustration took the form of a “typically male” reaction. She fought her way out of her predicament, literally swinging at the school bullies until her punches and kicks flagged a crisis to the authorities. I was also lucky that my employer agreed to my request to cut my hours at work, so I could take up a second job of cajoling my local education, healthcare and child support services to file reports on time and to the right people, and agree a statement of special educational needs – now known as an Education, Health and Care Plan.

A diagnosis did not bring general acceptance from the outside world, nor did it bring sufficient support – but it brought just enough of each for Grace and I to function, while being aware daily of how thinly spun is the thread of our luck.

Grace still counters sexist ideas about autism every day: “When a boy with autism has a bad reaction, he gets immediate support from load of teachers. When I get overwhelmed, I get told off about my attitude.”

And as her mother I counter discrimination that will be familiar to many carers – we are whingers, incapable of discipline, feckless, self-centred, hysterical… you name it. Because a society that doesn’t value women also doesn’t value the care work that women do.

Female does not equal “not male”. Autistic female does not equal not autistic. The lived experiences of women and girls, wherever they are on the autism spectrum, are simply different. And while our society is terrible at understanding and embracing difference, it also relies on difference to progress. Every day Grace attempts to make her way in a world that doesn’t understand her. Every day I work to build the kind of world that could.

We should all embrace difference. We would all be better off.

Sophie Walker is the leader of the Women’s Equality Party. She is running the Royal Parks Half Marathon to raise money for the National Autistic Society. You can donate here

Source: 'Women and girls with autism face double discrimination from a patriarchal society that fails to see them'
The more I read about the emphasis on girls and women "masking" to fit in, the more I think I was extraordinarily lucky to be born before autism went public. It would have helped to know about certain aspects of how I functioned, but on balance, I managed without the knowledge and without being judged and pressured to be a "proper" girl and woman.
I have no doubt, that women with ASD have a harder time with diagnosis. ASD has caused many hardships in my life, and diagnosis didnt fix that much, but it was a gift for sure. I would hope anyone struggling with this, would be offered a way to make thier life easier.

I say this in the most sympathetic way i possibly can, but......I think you are doing yourself and your daughter a disservice by seeing yourself as a victim of the patriarchy . Its devicive and not representative of all the facts.

You are siting archaic examples.Awarness of ASD and scientific understanding of what it has changed a lot in the past decade. There are obviously no clear bio-markers for HFA. You cant take a blood test for it. So, as our understanding grows, so will proper diagnosis. Neurological atypicality has to have some biological root, and I think we are even close to finding bio markers, so there will be no more debate soon in the future i hope.
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i think girls grow up more quickly, and if they are not diagnosed it can cause very dangerous issues. It all depends a lot on your environnement as a child. I had a violent childhood, i was disagnosed recently. And it made my adult life hell. Because when u r a girl, u have to be careful, u are in danger if nowone looks after you. Wether you are autistic or not. But the hyper sensitivity and the tendancy to not know what is right or wrong lead many girls to destructive relationships, not protection against a violent parent... Also they wont speak about it they will not even realize they are being badly burned. That is why it can be imortant to be diagnosed young. Because if your parents dont protect you, you wont be able to have a clue how to do it yourself. That is the issue with autism in girlas then women0 Women are already pretty in danger naturally. Such is the society. But girls even more, and with a lack of protection, security... with autism, im sure many violented women are among them. And they are, and only when they get diagnosed they understand that it was all wrong from the start. I think many live okay in adulthood, but girls or boys on the spectrum with a violent history (family...) will be in deep trouble... And because we dont speak much about our feelings or private lifes, we are in danger. I believe its very important to spot the autistic side and any kind of issues in childhood. Because thats what shapes you. i had a rough time, like many women late diagnosed, and i find it so violent to live through that. Because when violence is part of the beginning you will see it as "normal" but it destroys lifes. and with autism you ll keep it secret, be isolated and it will b hell... So girls in general should be more protected and even more if introverted and silent.
its a serious matter, it is very hard to overcome later...

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