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Women diagnosed with autism in middle age from Massachusetts: who do you trust for evaluation?


Good morning!

I’m seeking help to find the right person to do an evaluation for autism.

I’ve been looking for months, have spoken to many providers but haven’t found the right fit.

Any recommendations? Thank you!!!
Many thanks to Aryana and Alexej! Regarding Aryana’s question, I live in Central mass. My sincerest apologies for not replying to you in a timely fashion. I had a lot of overwhelm going on.

After many calls, emails and one failed attempt, I was able to locate a practice I felt comfortable going to, for the following reasons:
1. I am applying for SSDI and I wanted to go to a practice that had more than one neuropsychologist reviewing my scores and that had multiple neuropsychologists with notable backgrounds because I know so many people who have had to fight tooth and nail for SSDI benefits and my hope is that having been diagnosed at such a practice will help my case.
2. I wanted to be completely confident that the neuropsychologist evaluating me had considerable experience working with the “lost generation“, that is middle-aged women.

The testing was thorough, appropriate and used well-regarded tests. They used Midas-2 rather than ADOS. Later, they provided me with a 23 page report on the five hour test. Although I had to pay out-of-pocket and the cost was significant for me, they were half the cost of some neuropsychologists and practices I reached out to. Their name is Newton Neuropsychology Group, LLC in Newton MA. I highly recommend them. They also confirmed all of my previous diagnoses as well as an additional one that my regular psychologist had refused to test me for.

Alexej, thank you for your reply. I love embrace autism! I’ve recommended them to many people and taken many of the tests. One thing I’ve really gotten a kick out of is the Aspie quiz. Four people I’ve mentioned it to have done it, including two family members, my best (and only) friend and my husband. My family members and best friend’s results were nearly identical to mine just not quite as atypical. My husband’s was completely opposite of mine. Lol.

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