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Wonders of the Southwest

Heber Richins

Well-Known Member
alright so. after contacting Chevron in hopes they would let me do a full-service station, they denied my request and said they don't see any reason to justify supporting a station out here in Rual New Mexico. The Cost of building a Gas Station today is 3 million dollars, way above what I thought it was. so, the Alternative that I came up with is a museum here in New Mexico, dedicated to preserving the History of the Southwest, Hence the name Wonders of the Southwest. it will feature gas station memorabilia, railroad memorabilia, Antiques, records and record players, any part of history from the Southwest, Rare or common.

Wonders of the Southwest..png
Nice idea. So are you finding out about funding to get that started now? Hope you can make it happen!
Thank you, yes, I am I'm hoping to work at our county museum to get to know the ins and outs of a museum, m neighbor and i talked about a PayPal or Donation system that could be set up for those who would like to pay or donate.
You have so much history to choose from . . . . whether it is the Pueblo Culture, Viejo Sendero Español, to Route 66. The museums and attractions I enjoy are those that connect me to the local culture, history and landscape. So, stay focused, and provide good interpretation. One author that really kindled my interest in the Southwest was Tony Hillerman.

I wish you success.
I'm excited for you! IT sounds like the sort of place I'd enjoy. Make sure you have a gift/bookstore. A lot of people who stop will want more reading material on the subject! (-:

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