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Word of the day


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I get a word or phrase stuck in my head for several days/weeks at a time. It's not uncommon for me to repeat it 50-100 times a day.

What's stuck in your head right now?

At the moment it's the term "Crusty jugglers" from the film Hot Fuzz. I love doing accents and silly voices, so I'm putting real emphasis on it when I say it in a West Country accent

For me it's usually songs and song lyrics. At the moment it's this. Can't get rid of it:
I often get words or phrases, too. Lines from Monty Python like "Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!"
For me also it's usually song lyrics, but the past few days it's been a quote from "The Karate Kid" (any of the versions). It goes, "There is no such thing as a bad student, only bad teachers." I made it grammatically correct, because I can't make myself use bad grammar. Mr. Miyagi/Mr. Han said it with poor grammar, probably because that's what the directors told them to do. In the movies it went "There no such thing as bad student, only bad teacher."

Since I am a teacher, this hit home. It also puts a lot of pressure on me to be a better teacher, but that's neither here nor there.
I always seem to have song lyrics playing in my head.
They change, but, right now it is my tag line on here: Livin' on the Edge.
That came into my head chatting with someone about how I am nervous
over getting cataract surgery next week!

Fits: There's something wrong with the world today,
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes...
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"Periphery" quite often tends to be a word I like the sound of. "Inveterate" as well.

EDIT: Since song lyrics also get caught in my head too, here's one I've listened to about 100 times since a gamer friend sent it to me.

I'm loving all these I must admit.

Another thing I enjoy doing is deliberately adding an extra syllable, or mispronouncing a random word in a sentence to see if people notice.

I'm loving all these I must admit.

Another thing I enjoy doing is deliberately adding an extra syllable, or mispronouncing a random word in a sentence to see if people notice.

I do this too with my students - I tell them that they made a smelling mistake, for example.
Ah Mad World. That song has moved me to tears many times when I've been having a particularly hard time.

I must admit I find the verses more profound than the chorus. But I think that's just because I find that a little over the top. I've had dreams where I've died and they were traumatic. Although, living with depression for nearly 20 years there have been extended times where being asleep was the best part of my day

I adopt favourite phrases, usually heard on a film or read in a book, and usually way out of date by the time I notice them. Currently I like, As if. Also, Like, finally! And, Get a grip! Get real! All said with intent to be humorous which may well fall flat. Whatever.
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Today there's nothing stuck in my head, but thank you, I'll probably think about it and end up with another silly song stuck. lol
"Periphery" quite often tends to be a word I like the sound of. "Inveterate" as well.

EDIT: Since song lyrics also get caught in my head too, here's one I've listened to about 100 times since a gamer friend sent it to me.

Well that is just peachy keen. Now it is stuck in my head too.
I'm loving all these I must admit.

Another thing I enjoy doing is deliberately adding an extra syllable, or mispronouncing a random word in a sentence to see if people notice.


Syncope - the omission of sounds or letters from within a word. E.g nucl'er instead of nuclear.

Elision - the use of a speech form that lacks a final or initial sound which a variant speech form has. E.g. sista instead of sister.

Epenthesis - the insertion of an extra sound into a word. E.g. Saxamaphone for saxaphone, as Homer Simpson would say.

All are fun, and I like to do it do.
Another thing I enjoy doing is deliberately adding an extra syllable, or mispronouncing a random word in a sentence to see if people notice.

I mix metaphors or toss out meaningless phrases, to see if people notice.

My favorite meaningless phrase is "You know what they say ... you can't tell which way a train went by its tracks." When we're discussing some issue in a meeting at work and the conversation trails off without coming to a conclusion, then I'll say that. Only rarely do people look at me and say, "Huh?" Most of them nod and say, "Yup." ... and I know they weren't paying attention. If I say, "You know what they say...", my kids will repeat the rest.

I'm looking for new meaningless phrases, to try to diversify. I came up with "You can't burn a bridge in a blizzard" but I'm not sure how good it is. I'm still stewing on that one.

My favorite mixed metaphors:

I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.
(Mixing "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" with "burning bridges")

Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day.
(Mixing "Even a stopped watch is right twice a day" with "Even a
blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while" - two phrases with the same meaning and usage)

Is the bear Catholic?
(When someone asks a question where the answer is an obvious yes, people will respond with another obvious-yes-question: "Is the Pope Catholic?" or "Does a bear poop in the woods?")

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