Cogs Of My Cranium
Well-Known Member
Whenever I have a negative or upsetting line of thought it often repeats over and over to the point where it's like a spinning razor blade in the centre of my mind. This gets particularly bad if the line of repeating thought brings up negative emotions or memories. I recognise that I need to stop these lines of thought but it's obviously difficult. One of the things I do these days is I will shout in private or whisper loudly a sharp, fast word like a swear word or KILL, DEATH, END, STOP, ERADICATE, DESTROY etc. Saying words like this helps stop the line of thought for a while until it comes again.
Does anyone else do this? What words or mental images do you use to curb negative, repetitive thought?
Does anyone else do this? What words or mental images do you use to curb negative, repetitive thought?