I was asked a couple weeks ago to do a time study for one of our work queues. Not a problem since all I have to do is share my screens with the person doing the study and do what I normally do. What I wasn't told was that my supervisor was sitting in on these. The supervisors in my dept don't know how to do my job and they aren't allowed to learn. The supervisors find a way though. The entire two hours was spent with me trying to answer all the questions they threw at me while trying to work and the time study guy had to schedule more time tomorrow cause he didn't get enough data because of it. That threw off the entire two of my processing and I spent the majority of my lunch sitting in one of our private rooms sitting down in a corner writing in my notebook that I keep for my notes and scheduling. Another supervisor for a different dept saw me writing in my notebook and ignored the "Do Not Disturb sign on the door and asked to check it for anything thatg violates hipaa. There isn't and I have a right to say no so I did. I have my own personal information in it that I don't share. She tried getting me written up and even brought our Vice President into the discussion. The VP asked me flat out if I had any hipaa violations in my notebook to which I replied no. She said that was all she needed and she directed me away and told me not to worry about it and to go take as long as I need to cool down. I said things in that room that I'm surprised didn't get me fired. The supervisor yelling at me told me I was too young to go to jail for violating hipaa, and I told her she was too old to be outside a nursing home.