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Workplace recruitment for people with ASD into ICT roles


Hi. I am curious about peoples reactions to this. My organisation has a program in place to recruit people on the spectrum into ICT specific roles. This feels terribly like a cliche gone wrong to me.

Do you feel this is appropriate or inappropriate from the perspective of being on the spectrum and looking for work?

My feeling is that targeting groups like ours is good, but limiting it to ICT roles is not good.
Is ICT the same thing as IT? If so, that kind of job requires extended periods of concentration which is our wheelhouse for so many of us. It is a sensible place to look for that trait.

If they wanted someone who could read lips, they would recruit people from the deaf community, even though some hearing people might cultivate that skill, too.
Great to recruit us for ICT but I also agree there are other roles we could be especially well suited for. Businesses and organisations could think about what kind of needs they have and how they are currently met, then redesign roles.

One obvious thing I ve always thought would be to have posts that are backroom and not public facing where there isn't requirements to have good interpersonal or people skills but the person maybe really useful with accounts or audit procedures or analysis of data and information that businesses need to process, etc. Plus quiet desks to sit at.

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