I have evidence to support that there is no such thing as "high cholesterols. Mine at the moment are ok so says the dr, which actually means they were quite low and guess what? I have health issues and yet, when they are considered too high, I am ok. A friend of mine who has severe diabetes and is severely overweight etc, cannot get her cholesterols higher and she is constantly been told to eat a lot of fat. How strange is that, if low cholesterols are supposed to be healthy?
It is a common habit here in France, where the patient receives the results as well as the dr, which is not great, for someone who suffers health anxiety.
I know someone who works with blood. She is the one who checks blood tests and rates them and she answered my query to why some results show extreme either end of the percentage bracket and yet, the dr says: all is ok?She explained that on its own, there is nothing to worry about. It is when other results are looked at, that is the telltale sign of something not right.
I had tests come back to say that I have an underactive thyroid and my blood sugars are way too high. I put out the suggestion that could it be due to anti anxiety tablets and thankfully, he did not rule that out!
I had an overactive thyroid once and followed the chemical direction, which just made things worse. A friend who is into natural therapy suggested: raw thyroid and so I started taking them and my next blood test came back that my thyroid was normal. In fact, the dr was convinced that the results were fit what he believed and was not too chuffed to see that I was right lol
Do look up the reality about cholesterol levels.